Before you proceed any further, please be warned that this entry will contain a LOT of pictures. So, if your web browser take a long time to load.....well, don't go elsewhere!! Go get some popcorn instead and wait for it to load, you lazy ass %#&%$#%!!!!!!!!!!!
One more thing that you should know before proceeding, though the title says "Tokyo Game Show 2007"....the pics I took are mostly pics of various cosplay. Cosplay here means costume play.....as in crazy people with too much money and have nothing else better to do donning costumes of characters in anime, games....etc.
Okay...okay, I take back what I said. Cosplays here are not just people dressing up fancy. Cosplays here actually study the character they represent and then post accordingly. Real high quality stuff...and all of them have calling cards so just in case someone gets interested, they can call these people to do promotion works. The same goes for cameramen....they hope that the pics they take can be sold.
Well, the pics shown here do not....I repeat, DO NOT contain any pics regarding games....you see, I wanted to take pics and videos of game demos shown there. And they really have good stuff there but then I figured out that, you might as well log on to the official websites to view them in better quality than those that I might have taken, right? Why waste my time taking videos of them?
But damn.....games from PS3 are really living up to it's name....the monster machine. Games like Metal Gear Solid4, Heavenly Sword, Gran Turismo.....words cannot describe the beautiful display those games show on the PS3. Games from other platforms, as for example Halo3 on XBOX 360 have really good graphics but not as smooth as PS3 can project.
Hmm....actually I think that words can describe them. The gameplay is like looking at a animation movie. For those who have played games enough knows that, the graphics level drop significantly during gameplay because the CPU simply can't process the immense information received from player feedback.....but for PS3, you will somehow lose track of when the movie begins and when the game actually begins!! The movie just flows right into gameplay mode. I tried a game called "Heavenly Sword"......damn, nearly cried from witnessing such beauty and grace of the gameplay. Not forgetting to mention that, my character almost died because I thought it was still in movie mode.
Ok, I guess you got what I meant to say..."PS3 rules!!!!" So here are the pics...enjoy.

I would have taken more if I had more time.....you see, I had to line up just to take these pics. At the show, I had to balance my time between these girls and the games on the show. I even had to forget lunch!!
hehe, at least u enjoyed the models over there lo, eat 'them' is enuf oledi, not need to eat lunch oso no problem.
nice photos there !! arrghh u didnt give me before u leave :(
Was wondering why all girls only in the first few pics..The later ones are really an eye opener..They really put an effort and get into details with their costumes..wow
Nice collection, I liked the Kasumi (DOA) and the Chocobo. Good luck taking pictures.
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