As usual, I'll start by saying stuff that have got nothing to do with the title.
Just last week, my campus held a Sports Day. Remember my blog about it last year? In case you don't, well, we had a guy who dress up as HG (Hard Gay) with real tight leather shorts and matching leather jacket. I really enjoyed that gig.....but sadly, there are guys and especially girls students who do not approve of such tight leather shorts and leather jacket. Apparently, they hated that image so much that this year, we have a naked skinny guy wrapped only with loincloth(sumo style). Although his rib bones were protruding and his butt was shamelessly expose to everything living, he was loved by all students. He umm......was getting a tough time trying to get the President of campus to smile, so he said ...no, shouted that he was very excited for Sports Day and that he is having a super erection!! At last, the president smiled....good job dude!!
And now for the upcoming fest in my campus.
At the fest, all classes and clubs will set up their own stalls selling various stuff from food to cute keychains. And as for advertisement, we are given signboards on which we can draw any stuff we want.... anything. Well, as for "International Club" we are selling our country's local food, so our board was a picture of two chef sitting in a wok. Boring? Yes, I think its boring too and same goes for the rest.
However, my classmates managed to "think out of the box" and apparently "think out of the clothes". You see, they drew a naked guy and a naked girl whose hands are touching each other's crotch!!!! They plan to cut holes at the face so that you can..you know, put your face through and have your picture taken.
Here it is...

Cool huh? I just can't wait to see all my lects faces when they see this!!