Congratulations to President Obama. Babies are smiling on your success.
Now can someone tell me....why is everyone so happy?
Why yes, a Black dude in the White house...sounds like Yin Yang.
A black dude for President of the United States, that certainly signifies changes that is to come. Everyone in US(well, the ones who voted for him) must be rejoicing.
But I don't understand why is everyone so happy? Even people in Japan!!

Japanese Hawaiian Girls dancing for Obama? WTF??
May be my fault for not being able to see what everyone else is seeing but....why so happy? I mean, it's not like he's elected PM of Malaysia. Or that he will present a big gift to Japan if he won...
All I see is a nation who finally accepted the idea of a black president after years of Hollywood movies projecting a African American for President. And also because of the "superb" job Bush had been doing, people more or less have phobia of war-minded politicians...
So once again...why is Obama's success something to rejoice about?
Don't get me wrong though, I'm not McCain's supporter and I'm not anti-US....but I don't see the point of clapping hands and smiling about it either....