Thursday, August 28, 2008

Randy returns!!!

Yeah..yeah..I know, it's been a long time since I last blog.....and yes, this is not the first time I've been on a long hiatus. Sorry...

You see, after the last post i wrote, I had to move to a new place...and I had to wait a while before I get my internet connection. And then I was busy adjusting to life in my new place in Nagaoka.

And another BIG factor.....I lost my vibe. I lost my...words. After so long of not blogging, I just can't write anymore. My holidays started about a month ago, so I had plenty of time to write stuff...but I found myself just staring at the screen, unable to produce may think that, that's just some excuse but those who knows me, know that I don't just report daily events....we have newspaper for that...I usually include my "personal opinion".

Anyway, I can't just not blog anymore now can I?

Jesus came back to life after 3 days, Buddhist believe in reincarnation, Anwar coming back into political world....even Britney Spears is releasing a new Album!! Britney Spears!!! After so many years! My blog deserve a comeback too don't you think??

But so many things have happened since Turkey and it's too much to write so, I'll just summarize it all up for this time..

March : Turkey
Have much much more to write about turkey but ...sorry guys. will try to write more about it in the future.

Early April : Moving to a new place...
Spent my loneliest Birthday ever. It was cold, I was alone, I ate TV dinner that night....not that I was sad or anything like that...but...okay, guess i was a little lonely.

Early to Mid April : Varsity life..
Started my life in University...joined Japanese drum team. Enjoying my life here at Uni as people here are more friendly and matured..

May~July : Exams..
Life was mainly plagued my exams and tests. Other than that I had experiment reports and more exams..

August : Japanese drum performance!!
I got to perform in front of tens of thousands of people!! Will write about it as something juicy happened as well!!

So, there you go...a short introduction before I get back to blogging again.

That's it for now. See you guys again tomorrow!!