Anyway, I just completed my biggest task yesterday...YEAH BABY!!!!
ehem...excuse me.
Now, on to today's topic...
Dudes and chics, I have been living in Japan for a long time. And there are many, MANY things here that you can always count on to put a smile on your face...
One of them is Japan movie titles...they are freaking hilarious!
So now you know why overseas movies take so long to show in Japan...they have to think of a funny title first!!
First off, let's start with the lame ones....

Disney's UP...
While UP sounds intriguing, Japan made it "Old man Carl's Flying House".
Well, it may be true. But to literally name it like that...lame...

The Proposal became..."You will be my groom".
Well, not exactly 'groom' but 'a guy who move in with his in-laws'....
Still....cheesy isn't it?
Now, as for my favourite title of the year,

My Sister's Keeper....
They renamed it "You Inside Me"...
Maybe it's just me but, sounds an awful lot like a sex movie don't it??