And it is springtime, it's about time I give my pair of balls....ehem, eyeballs a fair treat.
So, I joined in a trip to Takada Park to see yozakura, the night sakura...
The trip started out horrible. Did I mention that this place is famous? Well, it is...and like famous places, almost everyone in 100km radius will visit. Japanese people are suckers for the word "famous". And since I am located within that 100km radius, AND since half of my body is Japanese-ly mutated, I am obligated by community norm and by law to visit this place.
Oh my GAWD the traffic was horrible!! Even a 87 year old lady can walk faster than the car I'm in. And, utilizing modern technology, you could probably find needle in a haystack faster than you can park your car in a maze of metal on tires...
After staring at another car's backlight for 2 hours, I finally reached my destination...ahh...Takada Park at last...

The lights beyond look very very promising....

They even have these cute little pink lanterns to guide you to the center of the convenient.

This oh-so romantically beautiful bridge laid before me....the park itself must be very very beautiful. Boy, I can't wait to get to it!!!
And, suddenly......

BAM!! This mass of meat and nylon greeted me....What the hell are all these stalls doing here!!

Can't even get a decent picture as there are various kinds of stalls blocking the view. This one says takoyaki, which means octopus in a ball of dough. And, like all octopuses, they don't like to die they leave behind a distinctive smell that fills the air, choking off the sweet scent of cherry blossom. And there's about...10 maybe 20 stalls selling this stinking 8 legged little monsters...
Wait a minute here...I thought I came here to look at cherry trees!!! Damn these shops...and damn japanese who open these shops. I'm totally fine with shops for refreshments...but every which way?? Leave some areas for the trees to bloom!!!
And so I embarked on a sacred journey to find serene, unmolested ground of trees with no shops around...

And this became my precious piece as this one contain NO shops in sight....ahh...night sakuras....
Something about these tree gets me...I prefer sakura viewing in the day time, but night viewing is not bad...not bad at all..

And also these trees along the bank of the's hard to see but there are rented boats can hire one, row out to the edges, escaping the stalls and noise. How romantic...

This looks kinda nice too...the lights have that firefly-like effect on them...
Me and my friends decided to leave at about 10 plus...and once again...
Oh my GAWD, the traffic is horrible!!! Just like all the suckers who decide to leave at 10, we all got to watch each others car's tail light....reached home at 12.30.
Night sakura is so...exhausting...