Fella, I found this very interesting web page. No, it's not about nude bimbos.....it's about a virtual crystal ball that boast to know what you're thinking!! Please...please give it a try.
Anyway, I managed to figure out it's secret.....can you??
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Dreaming dreams...
My last post....I was trying to tell about the freezing temperature here but seems that all everyone ever looked at was that "apek" bicycle. Hmm, seems like you guys just missed the point of my blog. I wonder what will you guys look at at this blog then...楽しみ。。。。
Here goes...
Lately, I've been having dreams....yeah, so what?? everyone have dreams, why is mine so special? Well, it's not. But i'd like to share it anyway.
Most of my dreams lately have been about me going back to M'sia. In one of my dreams, I met up with my brother (he works in MAS now) in a varsity in India (beats me why India and not Japan!!). Anyway, we were rushing to the airport but we manage to stop at one of the shops in the campus there. Caring for the shop was this girl Shaila (Someone I know back in M'sia) . She invited us in and offered us murukus (I wonder if this have got anything to do with me missing Deepavali?? hmm..). It's funny that we were happily munching away when we were suppose to be at the airport.
Anyway, my dream fast forwarded and me and my bro arrived at the airport. We headed to the check-in gate when a faceless guard there told us that we were 3 minutes late and thus, not allowed to board. Man, did i regret sitting munching away murukus....then came my mum, out of nowhere of course, and talked to the guard. She failed to get us through, but did manage to get the guard to give us some help (you see...My mum have always been a pro in price haggling ). Guard told us we can skip the gate and board the plane directly. He then pointed to the stairs that appeared right behind us. So, what else? Me, my bro and my mum rushed up the flight of stairs and managed to get into the plane right before they shut the hatch, and oh, I did that jump-slide-before-door-closes-completely.
Now safely in the plane due Malaysia, I sat down in my seat, close my eyes..... and wake up in my bed. Bummer....
It's really weird that i have this dream. It's not like i'm homesick or something....I'm perfectly fine with the way I am, with the place I'm at. With my parents calling every week, it feels like i'm not that far away after all! But then my dream tells me otherwise....
Here goes...
Lately, I've been having dreams....yeah, so what?? everyone have dreams, why is mine so special? Well, it's not. But i'd like to share it anyway.
Most of my dreams lately have been about me going back to M'sia. In one of my dreams, I met up with my brother (he works in MAS now) in a varsity in India (beats me why India and not Japan!!). Anyway, we were rushing to the airport but we manage to stop at one of the shops in the campus there. Caring for the shop was this girl Shaila (Someone I know back in M'sia) . She invited us in and offered us murukus (I wonder if this have got anything to do with me missing Deepavali?? hmm..). It's funny that we were happily munching away when we were suppose to be at the airport.
Anyway, my dream fast forwarded and me and my bro arrived at the airport. We headed to the check-in gate when a faceless guard there told us that we were 3 minutes late and thus, not allowed to board. Man, did i regret sitting munching away murukus....then came my mum, out of nowhere of course, and talked to the guard. She failed to get us through, but did manage to get the guard to give us some help (you see...My mum have always been a pro in price haggling ). Guard told us we can skip the gate and board the plane directly. He then pointed to the stairs that appeared right behind us. So, what else? Me, my bro and my mum rushed up the flight of stairs and managed to get into the plane right before they shut the hatch, and oh, I did that jump-slide-before-door-closes-completely.
Now safely in the plane due Malaysia, I sat down in my seat, close my eyes..... and wake up in my bed. Bummer....
It's really weird that i have this dream. It's not like i'm homesick or something....I'm perfectly fine with the way I am, with the place I'm at. With my parents calling every week, it feels like i'm not that far away after all! But then my dream tells me otherwise....
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Freezing my ass off!!
As you fellas know, it's now winter in Japan. Winter...winter means a period of time where the temperature drops and deliberately suck the misery out into the open.
You guys heard about my expression on the poor trees already, so I'll skip stories bout them. But what I want to share with you folks is what happened to me last week.
Last week, I was on my "apek" bicycle.....yup, i call it apek bicycle because it has no gear, weighs a tonne and has a basket fixed at the front, the typical bicycle my late granpa used to cycle...god rest his soul. Anyway, it was night and I was on my bike on my way back from the train station when it suddenly rain on me. The temperature here on a normal night is 4 degrees.....so, you can imagine how cold it was with the rain right? By 5 minutes, I lost all my senses on my ass...couldn't feel a thing. I'm sure I was sitting down on the bicycle seat but I dunno....felt nothing.
And so, worried about getting frostbite on my ass, I decided to paddle faster and urge my friend to do the same. It's funny that genius thinking suddenly struck him there and he theorize that we get rained on lesser if we cycle slower, cos' we are cycling into the rain....."Aww, screw that! What kind of nonsense is that?? I'm speeding up!!"
Well, after cycling like hell,I eventually got back safely to my hostels....
Then, I suddenly felt like drinking coke. Don't know why but just felt like it. Sounds crazy right?? Well, despite being soaking wet and shivering violently, I reached into the fridge and took a drink.....guess what happen??
Imagine....taking a bottle of coke from the fridge and it's WARM. Never in a million years have i thought that fridge was meant to warm things up....I thought they had the microwave for that purpose. Anyway, odd genius thinking suddenly struck me too. I had this brilliant idea of warming myself up so that i can enjoy a bottle of chilled coke....or is it chilled coke that taste like it's chilled? hmm....hard to tell which but I think i understood how cold blooded creatures live their lifes, warming themselves up to savour cold stuff....or am I cold blooded? Some girls called me "cold blooded creature" before but I have always taken that as a joke.....
Anyway, my genius paid off. After warming myself up, the coke turned out fine....chilled, like it's suppose to be by the law of physics.
You guys heard about my expression on the poor trees already, so I'll skip stories bout them. But what I want to share with you folks is what happened to me last week.
Last week, I was on my "apek" bicycle.....yup, i call it apek bicycle because it has no gear, weighs a tonne and has a basket fixed at the front, the typical bicycle my late granpa used to cycle...god rest his soul. Anyway, it was night and I was on my bike on my way back from the train station when it suddenly rain on me. The temperature here on a normal night is 4 degrees.....so, you can imagine how cold it was with the rain right? By 5 minutes, I lost all my senses on my ass...couldn't feel a thing. I'm sure I was sitting down on the bicycle seat but I dunno....felt nothing.
And so, worried about getting frostbite on my ass, I decided to paddle faster and urge my friend to do the same. It's funny that genius thinking suddenly struck him there and he theorize that we get rained on lesser if we cycle slower, cos' we are cycling into the rain....."Aww, screw that! What kind of nonsense is that?? I'm speeding up!!"
Well, after cycling like hell,I eventually got back safely to my hostels....
Then, I suddenly felt like drinking coke. Don't know why but just felt like it. Sounds crazy right?? Well, despite being soaking wet and shivering violently, I reached into the fridge and took a drink.....guess what happen??
Imagine....taking a bottle of coke from the fridge and it's WARM. Never in a million years have i thought that fridge was meant to warm things up....I thought they had the microwave for that purpose. Anyway, odd genius thinking suddenly struck me too. I had this brilliant idea of warming myself up so that i can enjoy a bottle of chilled coke....or is it chilled coke that taste like it's chilled? hmm....hard to tell which but I think i understood how cold blooded creatures live their lifes, warming themselves up to savour cold stuff....or am I cold blooded? Some girls called me "cold blooded creature" before but I have always taken that as a joke.....
Anyway, my genius paid off. After warming myself up, the coke turned out fine....chilled, like it's suppose to be by the law of physics.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Well, proud to say I've snapped outta it...the frustation thing i meant.
I mean hell, why did I drag my sorry ass just to fell sorry about myself and do nothing about it?? I mean, you guys were right, I much more to live for than just being frustated. I use to not be like that. Oh Gawd....what is happening to me??!!!!
Hmm, gotta say that I have changed a lot....
Last time, i used to be noisy, jabbering endless nonsense, finding comfort in people's laughter, finding comfort in noise. I would feel awkward and uneasy if there silence hung over the air, like an itch, urging me to scratch it with my "crap"...oh yeah, that's how i got my name. maybe it's because when i crap and my buddies laugh, i feel secured....feel needed, having this sense of purpose is what i fueled my life with. And now that my jap friends don't understand my jokes, I feel...down. Funny, I've never thought that my friends laughter mattered so much to me..
But, when I came to Japan, I....with no reason at all, felt the need to change, and since I am in a new place where no one knew my old self, what better place to do that? Anyway, I became a total opposite of myself, yes....that means don't talk much unless spoken to or if i have stuff that needed to be said. Now, i find comfort in silence. I look at my jap buddies who's doing the very same thing i did last time, and i would think...."Damn, that-is-c-h-i-l-d-i-s-h!" . But then again.....sometimes my old self would crawl back up and I'll be that ...."hey, have you heard that stupid joke??" ...good old Ketam. I had this switches very often, till I don't know what am I suppose to be actually! I find silence very welcoming but sometimes crave noise.
Sigh...is it because I can't connect very well with guys who still play yu-gi-oh after school till it's dark, guys who make funny antics in front of everyone, guys who plays PSP in class during lectures. Well, can't blame me for growing up right?
Or is it because it's autumn. You know, when it's autumn, it's very very cold (i'll exagerate it beyond borders next time).....and to add to the misery is the dying trees. Trees here practically bleed their lifes out (leaves turning red) until the are all dried out and they shrivel and fall unceremoniously to the cold unwelcoming ground. My lects in M'sia used to say that Japs film sad dramas most during autumn and winters.....is it really affecting me as well??
Plus....the Oh gawd bless the boring lectures i have. They still teach SPM level stuff....like today for example. They taught Young's double slit and Friction today....Well, J.C, no, not Jesus Christ, it's Jeremy Cheong. He told me i should take up something else for a challenge. Yeah i did, been doing programming all along.....but what to do during classes?? WHAT??? As bored as I am, I don't have the heart to be rude to my lects by reading comics or play PSP.
But what I really suspect is that...I left my heart in M'sia when I flew here. I had wonderful friends, and they all treated me soooo nice that I actually miss them all soooo much, and refused to move on with life. Refuse...to let them go, refuse to replace them, refuse to open my heart and take in any new ones. Man, I really need to change....
So....what happens to me now? I now plan to smile at them dead trees, and live my life as it is. So what if I'm a lil' quiet right now? I have enough friends....at least I think so. I mean I don't shun social life or not approach strangers in a party, but just....I think I'll just leave the old "Ketam" alone for a while. Have to accept the fact that people change in time. Have to accept the fact that I'm in a different environment....have, to move on. No point feeling frustated with the beautiful life awaiting me.
Sigh....I guess that this, like the last blog entry, would probably worry my girl friends(female friends) in PPKTJ who's coming to Japan next year. But girls, rest assured, this is just me. This kind of shit won't happen to you. So, don't worry too much and concentrate in getting yourself here first. All the best of luck for your exams.
I mean hell, why did I drag my sorry ass just to fell sorry about myself and do nothing about it?? I mean, you guys were right, I much more to live for than just being frustated. I use to not be like that. Oh Gawd....what is happening to me??!!!!
Hmm, gotta say that I have changed a lot....
Last time, i used to be noisy, jabbering endless nonsense, finding comfort in people's laughter, finding comfort in noise. I would feel awkward and uneasy if there silence hung over the air, like an itch, urging me to scratch it with my "crap"...oh yeah, that's how i got my name. maybe it's because when i crap and my buddies laugh, i feel secured....feel needed, having this sense of purpose is what i fueled my life with. And now that my jap friends don't understand my jokes, I feel...down. Funny, I've never thought that my friends laughter mattered so much to me..
But, when I came to Japan, I....with no reason at all, felt the need to change, and since I am in a new place where no one knew my old self, what better place to do that? Anyway, I became a total opposite of myself, yes....that means don't talk much unless spoken to or if i have stuff that needed to be said. Now, i find comfort in silence. I look at my jap buddies who's doing the very same thing i did last time, and i would think...."Damn, that-is-c-h-i-l-d-i-s-h!" . But then again.....sometimes my old self would crawl back up and I'll be that ...."hey, have you heard that stupid joke??" ...good old Ketam. I had this switches very often, till I don't know what am I suppose to be actually! I find silence very welcoming but sometimes crave noise.
Sigh...is it because I can't connect very well with guys who still play yu-gi-oh after school till it's dark, guys who make funny antics in front of everyone, guys who plays PSP in class during lectures. Well, can't blame me for growing up right?
Or is it because it's autumn. You know, when it's autumn, it's very very cold (i'll exagerate it beyond borders next time).....and to add to the misery is the dying trees. Trees here practically bleed their lifes out (leaves turning red) until the are all dried out and they shrivel and fall unceremoniously to the cold unwelcoming ground. My lects in M'sia used to say that Japs film sad dramas most during autumn and winters.....is it really affecting me as well??
Plus....the Oh gawd bless the boring lectures i have. They still teach SPM level stuff....like today for example. They taught Young's double slit and Friction today....Well, J.C, no, not Jesus Christ, it's Jeremy Cheong. He told me i should take up something else for a challenge. Yeah i did, been doing programming all along.....but what to do during classes?? WHAT??? As bored as I am, I don't have the heart to be rude to my lects by reading comics or play PSP.
But what I really suspect is that...I left my heart in M'sia when I flew here. I had wonderful friends, and they all treated me soooo nice that I actually miss them all soooo much, and refused to move on with life. Refuse...to let them go, refuse to replace them, refuse to open my heart and take in any new ones. Man, I really need to change....
So....what happens to me now? I now plan to smile at them dead trees, and live my life as it is. So what if I'm a lil' quiet right now? I have enough friends....at least I think so. I mean I don't shun social life or not approach strangers in a party, but just....I think I'll just leave the old "Ketam" alone for a while. Have to accept the fact that people change in time. Have to accept the fact that I'm in a different environment....have, to move on. No point feeling frustated with the beautiful life awaiting me.
Sigh....I guess that this, like the last blog entry, would probably worry my girl friends(female friends) in PPKTJ who's coming to Japan next year. But girls, rest assured, this is just me. This kind of shit won't happen to you. So, don't worry too much and concentrate in getting yourself here first. All the best of luck for your exams.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
All this while, you guys.... and gals of course, have been reading my happy little tale...full of wonders and happiness and evrything tastes sweet. Well, this time though, I'll do something which i've never done before....write something a lil' sour and bitter.
Life for me in Japan....no doubt have been a valley of sugar and honey, not to mention chicks with micro skirts. But....frankly, I've grown frustated and bored.
Why is that?
Well, First off...my classes. They have been teaching SPM level stuff ...not all but mostly. So, classes for me is just, well, i think you know how i feel. No fun at all learning stuff you already learned. And so, I've grown tired my classes, and end up hating studies. I kinda neglected studies totally. Recently, I had my mid term exam and WOO HOO...i failed 2 papers and the others weren't too good too. My lects were stump...asking me what happened as i used to be one of the top scorers in class (SPM level stuff...whaddaya expect??) , all i had to say was "Sorry yo...i messed up". I'm looking for something challenging to excite but seems that all they teach is just that old stuff.
The next thing is friends....hard to make friends here. But mostly the hard part comes from me, let's just say that our frequencies aren't the same...things that interest them don't interest me at all. Things that they chat amongst themselves ....how would i put it...dull?? All of them are card maniacs, they play card games of a few varieties....Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic The Gathering, Pokemon...yes, POKEMON, and some more others which i don't know the name of. And they all like that 4 player free for all fighting game by Playstation. Maybe I'm just an old man with a hunch and a walking stick in a kids' playground.
Hmm...and so I live my life here thinking of friends i had back in M'sia. Damn i miss you bunch of monkeys... i know that this is quite unhealthy ...no not quite, very unhealthy, not able to really open up....but i'm just having trouble blending in....hope I'll get used to it in this two years to come. Two years, phew....seems like a looong time.
And another woosy sissy complain is that....hey! why can I see the moon at 5 in the evening? Yup...the great LAND OF THE RISING SUN sets at 5. It gets very dark by 5.30. And guess what? if you mention sports, it means attending daily "training" for 3 hours plus....training as in running up and down the court, and bounce ball on one spot for the whole three hours....uh-huh, basketball club. There ain't any outdoor courts where you can play for "fun"....."fun" the one word that have no meaning when it comes to "training". Or maybe it's just me who's not calling it fun.
Sigh....and I'm even missing Chinese New Year. Hahaha...ha......haha.....sigh.................
Life for me in Japan....no doubt have been a valley of sugar and honey, not to mention chicks with micro skirts. But....frankly, I've grown frustated and bored.
Why is that?
Well, First off...my classes. They have been teaching SPM level stuff ...not all but mostly. So, classes for me is just, well, i think you know how i feel. No fun at all learning stuff you already learned. And so, I've grown tired my classes, and end up hating studies. I kinda neglected studies totally. Recently, I had my mid term exam and WOO HOO...i failed 2 papers and the others weren't too good too. My lects were stump...asking me what happened as i used to be one of the top scorers in class (SPM level stuff...whaddaya expect??) , all i had to say was "Sorry yo...i messed up". I'm looking for something challenging to excite but seems that all they teach is just that old stuff.
The next thing is friends....hard to make friends here. But mostly the hard part comes from me, let's just say that our frequencies aren't the same...things that interest them don't interest me at all. Things that they chat amongst themselves ....how would i put it...dull?? All of them are card maniacs, they play card games of a few varieties....Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic The Gathering, Pokemon...yes, POKEMON, and some more others which i don't know the name of. And they all like that 4 player free for all fighting game by Playstation. Maybe I'm just an old man with a hunch and a walking stick in a kids' playground.
Hmm...and so I live my life here thinking of friends i had back in M'sia. Damn i miss you bunch of monkeys... i know that this is quite unhealthy ...no not quite, very unhealthy, not able to really open up....but i'm just having trouble blending in....hope I'll get used to it in this two years to come. Two years, phew....seems like a looong time.
And another woosy sissy complain is that....hey! why can I see the moon at 5 in the evening? Yup...the great LAND OF THE RISING SUN sets at 5. It gets very dark by 5.30. And guess what? if you mention sports, it means attending daily "training" for 3 hours plus....training as in running up and down the court, and bounce ball on one spot for the whole three hours....uh-huh, basketball club. There ain't any outdoor courts where you can play for "fun"....."fun" the one word that have no meaning when it comes to "training". Or maybe it's just me who's not calling it fun.
Sigh....and I'm even missing Chinese New Year. Hahaha...ha......haha.....sigh.................
Friday, November 18, 2005
Hey fellas...sorry-la. This site's been cold for quite a while already. Seems that.....I've ran outta ideas. My life these days are just routine and timetable. Go here by what time, be there by when, do what before deadline. Nothing much to do or see...interesting things i mean. You wouldn't want to be read about what i lay my eyes on right? You'd have to be above 30 to know that.
All i do everyday is come back from class....glue my butt to the chair...grab some snacks....and watch cartoons. Been downloading Simpsons, South park, and Futurama. Pathetic little life...ohhh yeah. Well...on days when I'm too lazy to be lazy, I do some workout in my room. yes...i do workout sometimes. Need to balance my jellow abs with some crunches.
Hey!...I've got an idea...do any of you wanna contribute anything here?? ya know....share your stories! My life is interesting but then again....not everyday is Father's Day...wait a minute, I'm not a father yet! ....not everyday is Children's Day. So, if there's anything you wanna say here, send me a mail, rite??
All i do everyday is come back from class....glue my butt to the chair...grab some snacks....and watch cartoons. Been downloading Simpsons, South park, and Futurama. Pathetic little life...ohhh yeah. Well...on days when I'm too lazy to be lazy, I do some workout in my room. yes...i do workout sometimes. Need to balance my jellow abs with some crunches.
Hey!...I've got an idea...do any of you wanna contribute anything here?? ya know....share your stories! My life is interesting but then again....not everyday is Father's Day...wait a minute, I'm not a father yet! ....not everyday is Children's Day. So, if there's anything you wanna say here, send me a mail, rite??
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Necktie crisis!!!
This is another wonder from eccentric Japan TV.
This afternoon, the local news "highlight" caught my attention while i was happily chowing unhealthy "ayam masak merah" that i cooked (it was actually edible!!) . This "highlight" was featured for quite a moment ... longer.... than any other news.
Is Japan in war? wrong, they were stripped naked by the US force....Earthquake? nah, a few broken plates and bones would too common to be news....Ice cube size of bricks came falling down? NO! It was a heated argument between a fashion designer and the prime minister of Japan.
An argument....to wear a tie or not.
Since it's autumn now, a fashion designer introduced "warm biz" which means "warm business wear" for working adults to cover their naked asses. She said that gents would look good and feel warm WITH a tie. Well, I don't know if the PM of Jap, Koizumi had grudges against that poor lady but he said, NO! No need for a tie....and actually MADE a press statement. He even appeared in a formal function wearing warm biz...minus the tie of course......
News then proceeded with featured interviews from folks around asking them whether they would wear a tie or not...complete with statistics and "necktie" forecast. Yup.....you heard me right, forecast!!!
I have been here for... what? 7 months already?....but still, I can't understand Jap's mentality. What's the big deal? What's wrong if us guys wear a tie or not? You don't need the PM himself to voice out his opinion on TV, right?
Amazed? So am I....
This afternoon, the local news "highlight" caught my attention while i was happily chowing unhealthy "ayam masak merah" that i cooked (it was actually edible!!) . This "highlight" was featured for quite a moment ... longer.... than any other news.
Is Japan in war? wrong, they were stripped naked by the US force....Earthquake? nah, a few broken plates and bones would too common to be news....Ice cube size of bricks came falling down? NO! It was a heated argument between a fashion designer and the prime minister of Japan.
An argument....to wear a tie or not.
Since it's autumn now, a fashion designer introduced "warm biz" which means "warm business wear" for working adults to cover their naked asses. She said that gents would look good and feel warm WITH a tie. Well, I don't know if the PM of Jap, Koizumi had grudges against that poor lady but he said, NO! No need for a tie....and actually MADE a press statement. He even appeared in a formal function wearing warm biz...minus the tie of course......
News then proceeded with featured interviews from folks around asking them whether they would wear a tie or not...complete with statistics and "necktie" forecast. Yup.....you heard me right, forecast!!!
I have been here for... what? 7 months already?....but still, I can't understand Jap's mentality. What's the big deal? What's wrong if us guys wear a tie or not? You don't need the PM himself to voice out his opinion on TV, right?
Amazed? So am I....
Monday, November 07, 2005
Being a girl.
I don't if any of you remember me saying it but i said this many times...
"I was always interested in girls. I think they are beautiful, interesting and evrything good. And i'm especially jealous of the so called 'sisterhood' , where girls team up to go against guys. If i were reincarnated, I would choose to live my life as a girl"
It's true yo...girls are interesting. I was always curious what's going on their mind. What's so interesting about having a barbie...what's the craze of having at least 20 teddy bears of various sizes....having a handphone with so many keychains on it you can hardly see the phone....and the one biggest element of a girl, dieting. Staring for hours in the mirror and making myself miserable...."oh! would you just look at that lump of flesh!" . sigh....and of course the inevitable 2 a month once hormone wars.
But still......i would like to experience playing masak-masak instead of climbing trees and braking windows.
Well, guess what? I had my chance.
There's this "Hostel Day" last last weekend, long story short, there's a beauty pageant on....a beauty pageant for guys. More accurately, Guys dressing up as girls. So....since they don't allow this kind of eccentric in M'sia, why not give it a try? Hell, I might even end up looking better than Liv Tyler.
Anyway, my brains was all so fired up with adrenaline that i actually forget something, with my physique, I won't look better Liv Tyler....I'll just end up making people throw up their lunch ( we all had barbeque that day.)
My choice of clothes was this...

It's a white see through spagetti with a black skirt. Sorry i can't upload any pic cause' the photographer that day had a LOT of hesitation taking my pic and ended up taking none. Anyways....since these were meant for young cute slim girls, I had umm....quite a struggle fitting into those. The spagetti was all streched up, hem's pulled up above my belly button, revealing what little hair i have on my belly. Skirts only till my shin. I had a cute junior to make up my face, so, no problem concentrating and not blinking my eye until she's done and out of my sight. And ohh... I had two C cup oranges as boobs. Man they were heavy. I could hardly keep them on my chest! And thus had to wear a bra. Fumbled with the damn clasp for a few sufferable minutes with Japs guys AND girls laughing at me all the way. Phew....I now respect Pamela Anderson for tolerate those huge melons. Now.....imagine me in it.
As for my performance, I played "Santa Baby" by Kylie Minogue. Then, I deliberately did a quite sexy dance....or at least i thought it was sexy. I was completed with "rub with both hands from neck, down to chest and end in waist while shaking like a snake" , "pull up skirt to reveal my hairy legs, very very....hairy legs and pulling up till giving a lil' hint of my red underwear (red, my friends, was necessary) " , "move near the judges and plant a bright red smooch! on their cheeks." , "show em boobies" , not exactly real boobies but at least they smell nice....i had fresh ones from the market.
Now.....imagine me in it again.
Sick right?? Lucky no one vomitted or i would have to clean up the mess....
"I was always interested in girls. I think they are beautiful, interesting and evrything good. And i'm especially jealous of the so called 'sisterhood' , where girls team up to go against guys. If i were reincarnated, I would choose to live my life as a girl"
It's true yo...girls are interesting. I was always curious what's going on their mind. What's so interesting about having a barbie...what's the craze of having at least 20 teddy bears of various sizes....having a handphone with so many keychains on it you can hardly see the phone....and the one biggest element of a girl, dieting. Staring for hours in the mirror and making myself miserable...."oh! would you just look at that lump of flesh!" . sigh....and of course the inevitable 2 a month once hormone wars.
But still......i would like to experience playing masak-masak instead of climbing trees and braking windows.
Well, guess what? I had my chance.
There's this "Hostel Day" last last weekend, long story short, there's a beauty pageant on....a beauty pageant for guys. More accurately, Guys dressing up as girls. So....since they don't allow this kind of eccentric in M'sia, why not give it a try? Hell, I might even end up looking better than Liv Tyler.
Anyway, my brains was all so fired up with adrenaline that i actually forget something, with my physique, I won't look better Liv Tyler....I'll just end up making people throw up their lunch ( we all had barbeque that day.)
My choice of clothes was this...

It's a white see through spagetti with a black skirt. Sorry i can't upload any pic cause' the photographer that day had a LOT of hesitation taking my pic and ended up taking none. Anyways....since these were meant for young cute slim girls, I had umm....quite a struggle fitting into those. The spagetti was all streched up, hem's pulled up above my belly button, revealing what little hair i have on my belly. Skirts only till my shin. I had a cute junior to make up my face, so, no problem concentrating and not blinking my eye until she's done and out of my sight. And ohh... I had two C cup oranges as boobs. Man they were heavy. I could hardly keep them on my chest! And thus had to wear a bra. Fumbled with the damn clasp for a few sufferable minutes with Japs guys AND girls laughing at me all the way. Phew....I now respect Pamela Anderson for tolerate those huge melons. Now.....imagine me in it.
As for my performance, I played "Santa Baby" by Kylie Minogue. Then, I deliberately did a quite sexy dance....or at least i thought it was sexy. I was completed with "rub with both hands from neck, down to chest and end in waist while shaking like a snake" , "pull up skirt to reveal my hairy legs, very very....hairy legs and pulling up till giving a lil' hint of my red underwear (red, my friends, was necessary) " , "move near the judges and plant a bright red smooch! on their cheeks." , "show em boobies" , not exactly real boobies but at least they smell nice....i had fresh ones from the market.
Now.....imagine me in it again.
Sick right?? Lucky no one vomitted or i would have to clean up the mess....
Friday, November 04, 2005
Tokyo Motorshow 2005
Okay...Kelly^-^ 's right....I have been mentioning about girls in my blog once in a while. Know why? It's because Raptor4eva told me that he would send virus to my page and boycott me if i stop mentioning about them in my blog. haha...just kidding, it's not true...raptor4eva don't like girls....
Sorry, can't help it! I love girls ( in a good way, please don't label me as a perv..it's not like i go peepin' or go pimpin') . I just happen to think that girls are beautiful creatures (sorry guys....) and i may have been expressing my adoration a tiny bit too much(pics and stories). I do have a few blogs without mentioning girls right?? But...this one, sorry Kelly^-^, contain elements of girls...or should i say heavenly models..... snicker snicker...
It all started two weeks ago when I bought myself a can of coffee that happen to be promoting TOKYO MOTORSHOW 2005. I've always been a fan of automobiles....how could i not go?!! And so I went yesterday...along with my two other musketeers...Loke eng and Boon. This show seems to feature eco-friendliness, hybrid cars and all. And the designs....i'll have to say it's more futuristic, not your every day proton. I was particularly impressed by Nissan GT-R. My gawd....such beauty. I sure wished i was borned rich. Anyway, cars are also complemented with high tech gizmos.... GPS to lead you to wherever and actually make sure you get there, road detector so that you won't drive off the road, car detector so that you don't get too close (especially lady drivers!!), eye monitor just to tell us we are sleepy( ever since when do we need to be told we are sleepy??) and a whole lot more crackpot contraption that even a blind guy can drive a car....
I am impressed by all those hypocrite gadjets but what's the point of all those? Takes away all the fun of driving. Anyway, here's the pics...Kelly ^-^ can skip those heavenly models....

Just look at that beauty.....(i meant bike).
This is a cute one...

Superbike by BMW (Bring More Women)

This i don't get it....virtual roller coaster? You even have to set that safety harness for i don't know what....hmm...maybe for preventing you from "falling" in love.

See what i mean??

Now back to cars....

impressive eh?

If blue is for boys...then white and pink must be for girls!
like i said....not everyday proton...

Red Hot Chilli Salleen...

What's better than a model? Two models!! (okay, I know...lame punch line)

Meaningless sign...

The ending of Toyota show...they featured brightcoloured RC wheelchair. Looks like that guy shadow's shaking hands with an alien shadow right?

Lancer Evolution Concept 4

The all so beautiful Mercedes SLR concept car....gonna say this again. Wished I was borned with a silver car key in my mouth.

Nissan GT-R....said it's gonna be available in mid 2006...can i possibly save enough by then? I'd eat grass everyday just to own one of these...

This 3-seater car is said to be able to turn 360 degs ....perfect for lesen-lembu people who can't back park....or should i say "go-stan" properly..

Sorry...I have NO idea what car she promoted.

This would look perfect in my parking space.

I don't know why this was showcased. They even had a model posted near it. And since it was a pram, they complemented it with a "mom" model. For the sake of my loyal viewers, I'll spare you the pic ( i expertly left her out of the cam view) and description. It wouldn't do to have sore eyes visitors...

Ya know...I wanted to ask her "Excuse me, are those....rubber?" but thought the better of it and called it off...

Can you that silver horsie at the air filter area??


This is proof that i don't only take photos with models...

Don't know why but i suddenly thought of a dragon when i set my eyes on these. Oh, by the way, this is a Mitsuoka, new brand i suppose.

And now back to cute models...

Highlight of the day....you can see i made my point by setting her pic largest.

SNAP!!...okay, back to reality. This is another futuristic design car by Suzuki.

Honda Z4. I was speechless when i saw this....now I'm wordless...

Plexi-glass door opens wing-like. Impressive burn door open painfully slow...

Guess what's my new favourite colour??

What a perv!!

A nice ride from Yamaha...

Remember those super heros like "Baja Hitam" who have that ridiculous bike? This is one of them...

And to wrap up the show, they had the models lined up and pics taken by sick, model-hunting psychos....me? I'm different. I was just passing by....
Sorry, can't help it! I love girls ( in a good way, please don't label me as a perv..it's not like i go peepin' or go pimpin') . I just happen to think that girls are beautiful creatures (sorry guys....) and i may have been expressing my adoration a tiny bit too much(pics and stories). I do have a few blogs without mentioning girls right?? But...this one, sorry Kelly^-^, contain elements of girls...or should i say heavenly models..... snicker snicker...
It all started two weeks ago when I bought myself a can of coffee that happen to be promoting TOKYO MOTORSHOW 2005. I've always been a fan of automobiles....how could i not go?!! And so I went yesterday...along with my two other musketeers...Loke eng and Boon. This show seems to feature eco-friendliness, hybrid cars and all. And the designs....i'll have to say it's more futuristic, not your every day proton. I was particularly impressed by Nissan GT-R. My gawd....such beauty. I sure wished i was borned rich. Anyway, cars are also complemented with high tech gizmos.... GPS to lead you to wherever and actually make sure you get there, road detector so that you won't drive off the road, car detector so that you don't get too close (especially lady drivers!!), eye monitor just to tell us we are sleepy( ever since when do we need to be told we are sleepy??) and a whole lot more crackpot contraption that even a blind guy can drive a car....
I am impressed by all those hypocrite gadjets but what's the point of all those? Takes away all the fun of driving. Anyway, here's the pics...Kelly ^-^ can skip those heavenly models....

Just look at that beauty.....(i meant bike).
This is a cute one...

Superbike by BMW (Bring More Women)

This i don't get it....virtual roller coaster? You even have to set that safety harness for i don't know what....hmm...maybe for preventing you from "falling" in love.

See what i mean??

Now back to cars....

impressive eh?

If blue is for boys...then white and pink must be for girls!

Red Hot Chilli Salleen...

What's better than a model? Two models!! (okay, I know...lame punch line)

Meaningless sign...

The ending of Toyota show...they featured brightcoloured RC wheelchair. Looks like that guy shadow's shaking hands with an alien shadow right?

Lancer Evolution Concept 4

The all so beautiful Mercedes SLR concept car....gonna say this again. Wished I was borned with a silver car key in my mouth.

Nissan GT-R....said it's gonna be available in mid 2006...can i possibly save enough by then? I'd eat grass everyday just to own one of these...

This 3-seater car is said to be able to turn 360 degs ....perfect for lesen-lembu people who can't back park....or should i say "go-stan" properly..

Sorry...I have NO idea what car she promoted.

This would look perfect in my parking space.

I don't know why this was showcased. They even had a model posted near it. And since it was a pram, they complemented it with a "mom" model. For the sake of my loyal viewers, I'll spare you the pic ( i expertly left her out of the cam view) and description. It wouldn't do to have sore eyes visitors...

Ya know...I wanted to ask her "Excuse me, are those....rubber?" but thought the better of it and called it off...

Can you that silver horsie at the air filter area??


This is proof that i don't only take photos with models...

Don't know why but i suddenly thought of a dragon when i set my eyes on these. Oh, by the way, this is a Mitsuoka, new brand i suppose.

And now back to cute models...

Highlight of the day....you can see i made my point by setting her pic largest.

SNAP!!...okay, back to reality. This is another futuristic design car by Suzuki.

Honda Z4. I was speechless when i saw this....now I'm wordless...

Plexi-glass door opens wing-like. Impressive burn door open painfully slow...

Guess what's my new favourite colour??

What a perv!!

A nice ride from Yamaha...

Remember those super heros like "Baja Hitam" who have that ridiculous bike? This is one of them...

And to wrap up the show, they had the models lined up and pics taken by sick, model-hunting psychos....me? I'm different. I was just passing by....
Friday, October 28, 2005
Japan's now a lil' bit more randier than ever...
I have always thought of influencing citizens of Japan. You know....be less punctual and talk more crap. And so i have been on TV and such but i still don't see much effect. So....time for more hardcore action!!!
What I did was I attended a blood donation drive. Gave exactly 400mL of Randy to the blood bank of Japan. What else better way to corrupt Japan than polluting their life's essence itself??! Now...imagine all those hospital patients go home healthier and randier...haha.
Anyway..yeah, I attended a blood donation drive. The actual main purpose is to impress the girls here so that they might actually like me. And furthermore the nurses that day were "the young, novice (and attractive) batch" . Not "veterans"...no no.
Haha...okay...enough crap. My actual purpose serve a more noble cause. Anyway, blood donating in M'sia is all papers and needle tight? Well, here's papers, needles and electronic scanners. I never knew doc's job was sooo easy. All doc did was hold my arm, wrap that inflatable thingie around my arms and then press a button. A machine nearby automatically activate the pump and measure my blood pressure, and instantly prints out my polluted blood pressure, my corrupted heart beat rate, how much blood in my stinking body, and how much blood (max) recommended to be drawn. And then doc unwrap the inflatable thing. To me, Doc seems very very technician....a technician that have a stethoscope around his neck but not use it.
And then on to crime scene....
Remember that blood donator had to have their name written on the blood bag? Well, mine was scanned. Just like those scanners in supermarts' cashier. Man i felt like a dead ikan bawal tested for freshness and scanned for value. And guess what?? To ensure that they have exactly 400 mL and not a drop more, they put the bag on a air tight weighing machine.
Sooooo canggih....but,
Just a day after donating blood, I read a news about a 20 year old guy from Osaka who's infected by HIV after attending a blood donation drive. Hey!! I thought bak kata pepatah "buat baik dibalas baik" ??!
What I did was I attended a blood donation drive. Gave exactly 400mL of Randy to the blood bank of Japan. What else better way to corrupt Japan than polluting their life's essence itself??! Now...imagine all those hospital patients go home healthier and randier...haha.
Anyway..yeah, I attended a blood donation drive. The actual main purpose is to impress the girls here so that they might actually like me. And furthermore the nurses that day were "the young, novice (and attractive) batch" . Not "veterans"...no no.
Haha...okay...enough crap. My actual purpose serve a more noble cause. Anyway, blood donating in M'sia is all papers and needle tight? Well, here's papers, needles and electronic scanners. I never knew doc's job was sooo easy. All doc did was hold my arm, wrap that inflatable thingie around my arms and then press a button. A machine nearby automatically activate the pump and measure my blood pressure, and instantly prints out my polluted blood pressure, my corrupted heart beat rate, how much blood in my stinking body, and how much blood (max) recommended to be drawn. And then doc unwrap the inflatable thing. To me, Doc seems very very technician....a technician that have a stethoscope around his neck but not use it.
And then on to crime scene....
Remember that blood donator had to have their name written on the blood bag? Well, mine was scanned. Just like those scanners in supermarts' cashier. Man i felt like a dead ikan bawal tested for freshness and scanned for value. And guess what?? To ensure that they have exactly 400 mL and not a drop more, they put the bag on a air tight weighing machine.
Sooooo canggih....but,
Just a day after donating blood, I read a news about a 20 year old guy from Osaka who's infected by HIV after attending a blood donation drive. Hey!! I thought bak kata pepatah "buat baik dibalas baik" ??!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
HG stands for Hard Gay.
It`s one of Japan`s TV celebrity. For my buddies already in Japan, skip to next paragraph. For those who are not...well, Hard Gay (mentioned in the sports day blog) is a guy who wears a leather suit, chest baring tight jacket, short....very short, tight pants and a hat. He uhh...acts like a gay and his favourite is rocking his hips back and forth, and the all famous "FOOOOUUUUuuu " shout out.
Anyway, he calls himself GAY but i don`t think he understands that term well. Right just now, I saw his show on Tv. He was dancing to the song "STEP you" by ayumi hamasaki. He had a few other dancers with him and they are...female dancers!! clad with very sexy and revealing leather suit. and there`s one scene where he`s on a couch with his arm around a girl and he smiled very cheekily to the camera. Hard gay?? LOL.
It`s one of Japan`s TV celebrity. For my buddies already in Japan, skip to next paragraph. For those who are not...well, Hard Gay (mentioned in the sports day blog) is a guy who wears a leather suit, chest baring tight jacket, short....very short, tight pants and a hat. He uhh...acts like a gay and his favourite is rocking his hips back and forth, and the all famous "FOOOOUUUUuuu " shout out.
Anyway, he calls himself GAY but i don`t think he understands that term well. Right just now, I saw his show on Tv. He was dancing to the song "STEP you" by ayumi hamasaki. He had a few other dancers with him and they are...female dancers!! clad with very sexy and revealing leather suit. and there`s one scene where he`s on a couch with his arm around a girl and he smiled very cheekily to the camera. Hard gay?? LOL.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Cullinary Carelessness...
It's bound to happen....sooner or later it'll happen someday.
The unavoidable, inevitable....salt and sugar mix-up. You see, I was cooking sambal the other day. I've already salted the chicken i was gonna chuck in, plus ikan bilis and the asam jawa water. So, as you can see, no salt is needed. But SUGAR is needed though.
What i did was reached for the spoon, shoved it in the packet of white stuff, and just poured it in my sambal. I realised my mistake only when..."eh? I thought sugar grain wasn't that fine....looks like salt.", licked the spoon....and DOGGONE IT!!! I put in salt instead of sugar!! Gawd....now I'm gonna suffer kidney failure instead of diabetes.
Anyway, managed to salvage my precious sambal by scooping out the "salted" part. I later put in SUGAR....real, sweet sugar and not salty sugar ....and my sambal turn out great. Let me tell you I enjoyed my sambal vey very much. So much i was on the verge of ecstacy....it was...an exsalted ...sorry, exalted feeling.
Anyway, thinking that experience automatically qualifies me as a cook...i was once again proud and arrogant. And then it happen....
Right just now, I was fixing myself a soup. The carrot, potato and pork soup. Anyway, while skinning the potato.....i accidently skinned my thumb!! Well, not sure if i should say skinned because it looks more like a chunk of flesh went along with it. Sigh....cooking is dangerous. I should stop cooking myself and start looking for a girlfriend already....
Anyway, soup tasted grrrreat.....GASP!!! Did i just say i enjoyed my soup? my a-bit-of-human-flesh-in-it soup?....oh....my...gawd....I just took the first step towards cannibalism!
The unavoidable, inevitable....salt and sugar mix-up. You see, I was cooking sambal the other day. I've already salted the chicken i was gonna chuck in, plus ikan bilis and the asam jawa water. So, as you can see, no salt is needed. But SUGAR is needed though.
What i did was reached for the spoon, shoved it in the packet of white stuff, and just poured it in my sambal. I realised my mistake only when..."eh? I thought sugar grain wasn't that fine....looks like salt.", licked the spoon....and DOGGONE IT!!! I put in salt instead of sugar!! Gawd....now I'm gonna suffer kidney failure instead of diabetes.
Anyway, managed to salvage my precious sambal by scooping out the "salted" part. I later put in SUGAR....real, sweet sugar and not salty sugar ....and my sambal turn out great. Let me tell you I enjoyed my sambal vey very much. So much i was on the verge of ecstacy....it was...an exsalted ...sorry, exalted feeling.
Anyway, thinking that experience automatically qualifies me as a cook...i was once again proud and arrogant. And then it happen....
Right just now, I was fixing myself a soup. The carrot, potato and pork soup. Anyway, while skinning the potato.....i accidently skinned my thumb!! Well, not sure if i should say skinned because it looks more like a chunk of flesh went along with it. Sigh....cooking is dangerous. I should stop cooking myself and start looking for a girlfriend already....
Anyway, soup tasted grrrreat.....GASP!!! Did i just say i enjoyed my soup? my a-bit-of-human-flesh-in-it soup?....oh....my...gawd....I just took the first step towards cannibalism!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Brainless Bimbo....
Take a look at this...

So? what do ya think? Cute? Perfect? Dream chick? Willing to die for?? Think again...
Yesterday I saw this variety gameshow that featured this cute gal. OH MY GAWD I have never seen anyone soooo "cute" (characterwise) until the verge of being called dumb or just plain brainless, a complete waste of Oxygen.
Anyway, it was a show about "Guess what happen next". It showed this cute girl along with 3 small kids learning a dance. They were practicing for many many hours till the kids turn out dancing like real pro....but this girl....the dance lesson had to be stopped few times. Well, guess what happen next??.....answer is...she had to cry. She had to pout her lips and cry while the kids tried to console her. She was complaining over and over again the dance was tough...
And so the gameshow announcer told her not to give up so easily. He then suggested that she try swimming next...she had to pout her lips and said it's difficult, when asked about her school life, said it's difficult and didn't do that well.....she practically said everything's difficult!!
The announcer then asked that if everything is difficult, then how bout after marriage (giving birth). Well, this time she just kept quiet (while pouting her lips...again) So, the show ended up with everyone making fun of her for about 5 minutes.
I kind of pity her a bit for being making fun of but....why work so hard to act cute?? Can't she have a lil' self respect? Hmm, I guess maybe it's because Jap guys worship cuteness and to be popular......they have to.
PS: Yet, i can't deny the fact that she do indeed look very very cute. hehe....

So? what do ya think? Cute? Perfect? Dream chick? Willing to die for?? Think again...
Yesterday I saw this variety gameshow that featured this cute gal. OH MY GAWD I have never seen anyone soooo "cute" (characterwise) until the verge of being called dumb or just plain brainless, a complete waste of Oxygen.
Anyway, it was a show about "Guess what happen next". It showed this cute girl along with 3 small kids learning a dance. They were practicing for many many hours till the kids turn out dancing like real pro....but this girl....the dance lesson had to be stopped few times. Well, guess what happen next??.....answer is...she had to cry. She had to pout her lips and cry while the kids tried to console her. She was complaining over and over again the dance was tough...
And so the gameshow announcer told her not to give up so easily. He then suggested that she try swimming next...she had to pout her lips and said it's difficult, when asked about her school life, said it's difficult and didn't do that well.....she practically said everything's difficult!!
The announcer then asked that if everything is difficult, then how bout after marriage (giving birth). Well, this time she just kept quiet (while pouting her lips...again) So, the show ended up with everyone making fun of her for about 5 minutes.
I kind of pity her a bit for being making fun of but....why work so hard to act cute?? Can't she have a lil' self respect? Hmm, I guess maybe it's because Jap guys worship cuteness and to be popular......they have to.
PS: Yet, i can't deny the fact that she do indeed look very very cute. hehe....
Friday, October 14, 2005
Weirdest sports day...ever...
I actually have more stories about my summer hols but let's not hear stories months old...i know we all never really fancied history anyway. So, let's get on with life eh??
You know...up till now i thought i've seen all of jap's craziness...i was wrong. Dead wrong.
Last Wednesday was my campus' Sports Day. We all gathered at the field, as usual, just like all schools in the world does. But then there comes the President of Sports commitee...On his head was a wig. A big, bushy dishevelled silver wig. It was quite windy so he was having problem reading out his note as his "hair" was blown all over his face. Funny right? haha...well, that's for all this time. See you in my next blog. Byee....
Okay, i was just kidding. Was just trying to sound lame......
Anyway, the most interesting part was when the Pres asked a representative to "angkat sumpah" in front of the Campus..uhh...Headmaster (i know it sound kiddy but i don't know any other word.). Then, out of nowhere, came this guy dressed up like a gay. Black round hat, tight black leather jacket, along with matching tight black leather shorts....and when i say shorts, i mean "very short", a big sunglasses to complete it all.
Walks with a very very exagerated stance.... taking one step and start rocking his hips front and back, take another step, do that "as if f*cking" rocking hips...until he reached in front of the headmaster, spreads his legs a bit, then only start reading the oath....And when he finish, he ended it with " Headmaster, FOOOUUUuuuu......".....and do the walk back.
Let me tell you that was super hilarious, everyone was laughing away. Can't believe the guts on that guy to do that stunt.
Then the day begins....
I joined softball. The games' just like basball, just that the "balls" is "bigger" and "softer". Baseball's balls are just a small hard nut. But then again, hit by the bat, the small hard nut can be "shot" further than the soft and big ones...Anyway, my team lost. They were not so good with sticks and balls after all....ehem
And so one whole day gone by...time for prize presentation.
Guess what? that gay guy's class got 1st prize!! in what i've forgotten but the point is, he squated on the podium..... with his legs spread wide open... while receiving the certificate and throphy from the poor headmaster again. There goes the "FOOOUUUuuuu......" again.
Anyway, another class who got 1st in something else....they sent a guy wearing a blue mask to receive the prize. After receiving the prize, he shouts at the top of his lungs, and takes off his mask.....only to reveal another red mask underneath....then shakes the headmaster's hands vigorously.
My days here just never seems to fail to amaze me...
You know...up till now i thought i've seen all of jap's craziness...i was wrong. Dead wrong.
Last Wednesday was my campus' Sports Day. We all gathered at the field, as usual, just like all schools in the world does. But then there comes the President of Sports commitee...On his head was a wig. A big, bushy dishevelled silver wig. It was quite windy so he was having problem reading out his note as his "hair" was blown all over his face. Funny right? haha...well, that's for all this time. See you in my next blog. Byee....
Okay, i was just kidding. Was just trying to sound lame......
Anyway, the most interesting part was when the Pres asked a representative to "angkat sumpah" in front of the Campus..uhh...Headmaster (i know it sound kiddy but i don't know any other word.). Then, out of nowhere, came this guy dressed up like a gay. Black round hat, tight black leather jacket, along with matching tight black leather shorts....and when i say shorts, i mean "very short", a big sunglasses to complete it all.
Walks with a very very exagerated stance.... taking one step and start rocking his hips front and back, take another step, do that "as if f*cking" rocking hips...until he reached in front of the headmaster, spreads his legs a bit, then only start reading the oath....And when he finish, he ended it with " Headmaster, FOOOUUUuuuu......".....and do the walk back.
Let me tell you that was super hilarious, everyone was laughing away. Can't believe the guts on that guy to do that stunt.
Then the day begins....
I joined softball. The games' just like basball, just that the "balls" is "bigger" and "softer". Baseball's balls are just a small hard nut. But then again, hit by the bat, the small hard nut can be "shot" further than the soft and big ones...Anyway, my team lost. They were not so good with sticks and balls after all....ehem
And so one whole day gone by...time for prize presentation.
Guess what? that gay guy's class got 1st prize!! in what i've forgotten but the point is, he squated on the podium..... with his legs spread wide open... while receiving the certificate and throphy from the poor headmaster again. There goes the "FOOOUUUuuuu......" again.
Anyway, another class who got 1st in something else....they sent a guy wearing a blue mask to receive the prize. After receiving the prize, he shouts at the top of his lungs, and takes off his mask.....only to reveal another red mask underneath....then shakes the headmaster's hands vigorously.
My days here just never seems to fail to amaze me...
Friday, October 07, 2005
Korea 5 : Boring Busan
This is my last installment for my Korea trip....finally.
And so i had 8256 kilograms(tonnes) of fun in Jeju isle. Weird upslope flowing water and all.
I headed to Jeju from Seoul by plane but took a boat instead to Busan....a biggg boat. This boat is so big that it have it's own gravitational field and also small moons orbitting around it. It's so big that it could actually fit a million Kancil in it. But as big as it is, it failed miserably in terms of hospitality. Know what they did??
They cramped about 200 wetbacks in a small quater. Well, that ain't so bad actually....but they had to cramp in little children as well. They ran here and there...they jumped here and there...they shout as loud as the lungs allow them...they grabbed all the pillows and build their own castle....worst of all...they cry nonstop because they lost the stupid game they played. I....i really don't know what to describe those brats as. My senior did though, he called them "lalat". You know, those pest that hover all around you and make it a personal quest to irritate you the best they can....luckily, children get sleepy very early at night. Thank god, the almighty didn't fix energizer batteries in kids.
We reached Busan early next morning (Before the trains are even operating). we found out that Busan is...a city. A very very ordinary city. Along with the trademark tall buildings and rude drivers. We escaped the city to yet another very beautiful place. But sadly...unappreciated by us. You see, in Jeju we have seen more greeneries to last us two lifetimes and now in Busan...again?

Come on, give me a break!!
Okay...skip the nature part. Sorry fellas...
Anyway, being in Korea for a whole week. I have to say that i have not seen ANY pretty or cute or above average....none. Those pretty ones only existed in movies and comercials. My main point of going Korea is tourism and travelling, whichever, true but to really understand their culture we have to know their "people", right? And so we (the guys) were complaining about not being able to "cuci mata"....and while complaining,
This girl with flowing dress, long graceful legs and hair so soft it'll make a pantene model blush, climbed into the bus. Guess where she sat?...Right in front of us. Then the rays from the sun shone on her already shiny, perfect face. I knew at that moment a beautiful angel has descended...into a bus .okay...i'm exagerating again. But damn she's beautiful. If only she can speak something i understand. Well, actually she can.
You see, while i was busy admiring her beauty (another word for staring ....with saliva drooling down my chin) one my senior snapped out of trance and ask her...."Excuse me, can you speak english??". She said..."A little". D-a-m-n....i missed my chance. My senior asked her of places to visit and what are the "must eat" items. After all the pointless question, he finally blurted out the pointed one..."Can we take picture...." and she said "okay".

You DO know which one i talked about right??....it's the one in the middle. and uhh....can you guess who's the "unlucky" cameraman??
So....we spent the rest of the day lepaking in starbucks....here...there...nothing much. We took a train back to Seoul that night...spend one last day there and flew back to Japan the next day.
In conclusion....
I had a lottttttta fun. It was great cause' i had fun travel mates....a.k.a my seniors and that funny driver and great places i've been. I enjoyed the food a lot cause' they had spicy stuff as well. Met that pretty gal.....no regrets going Korea. Which makes me think...what good, generous, noble deed have i done in my past life for me to deserve that wonderful weekend....
And so i had 8256 kilograms(tonnes) of fun in Jeju isle. Weird upslope flowing water and all.
I headed to Jeju from Seoul by plane but took a boat instead to Busan....a biggg boat. This boat is so big that it have it's own gravitational field and also small moons orbitting around it. It's so big that it could actually fit a million Kancil in it. But as big as it is, it failed miserably in terms of hospitality. Know what they did??
They cramped about 200 wetbacks in a small quater. Well, that ain't so bad actually....but they had to cramp in little children as well. They ran here and there...they jumped here and there...they shout as loud as the lungs allow them...they grabbed all the pillows and build their own castle....worst of all...they cry nonstop because they lost the stupid game they played. I....i really don't know what to describe those brats as. My senior did though, he called them "lalat". You know, those pest that hover all around you and make it a personal quest to irritate you the best they can....luckily, children get sleepy very early at night. Thank god, the almighty didn't fix energizer batteries in kids.
We reached Busan early next morning (Before the trains are even operating). we found out that Busan is...a city. A very very ordinary city. Along with the trademark tall buildings and rude drivers. We escaped the city to yet another very beautiful place. But sadly...unappreciated by us. You see, in Jeju we have seen more greeneries to last us two lifetimes and now in Busan...again?

Come on, give me a break!!
Okay...skip the nature part. Sorry fellas...
Anyway, being in Korea for a whole week. I have to say that i have not seen ANY pretty or cute or above average....none. Those pretty ones only existed in movies and comercials. My main point of going Korea is tourism and travelling, whichever, true but to really understand their culture we have to know their "people", right? And so we (the guys) were complaining about not being able to "cuci mata"....and while complaining,
This girl with flowing dress, long graceful legs and hair so soft it'll make a pantene model blush, climbed into the bus. Guess where she sat?...Right in front of us. Then the rays from the sun shone on her already shiny, perfect face. I knew at that moment a beautiful angel has descended...into a bus .okay...i'm exagerating again. But damn she's beautiful. If only she can speak something i understand. Well, actually she can.
You see, while i was busy admiring her beauty (another word for staring ....with saliva drooling down my chin) one my senior snapped out of trance and ask her...."Excuse me, can you speak english??". She said..."A little". D-a-m-n....i missed my chance. My senior asked her of places to visit and what are the "must eat" items. After all the pointless question, he finally blurted out the pointed one..."Can we take picture...." and she said "okay".

You DO know which one i talked about right??....it's the one in the middle. and uhh....can you guess who's the "unlucky" cameraman??
So....we spent the rest of the day lepaking in starbucks....here...there...nothing much. We took a train back to Seoul that night...spend one last day there and flew back to Japan the next day.
In conclusion....
I had a lottttttta fun. It was great cause' i had fun travel mates....a.k.a my seniors and that funny driver and great places i've been. I enjoyed the food a lot cause' they had spicy stuff as well. Met that pretty gal.....no regrets going Korea. Which makes me think...what good, generous, noble deed have i done in my past life for me to deserve that wonderful weekend....
The End.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Korea 4 : Fascinating jeju....
Once again...sorry for the delay. This time, it's because school started and i was a lil' busy. Lame excuse...yes I know. Anyway....
And so after exploring Seoul, we continued on to Jeju Isle. It's the southernmost island in South Korea. Just for info....Jeju is pronounced "Che Ju" and not "Je Ju"....same as the actress in Winter Sonata, the all famous Korean Soap Drama. We spent 2 days there but i'll just sum things up.
About Jeju itself,
It's a place of breathetaking, sculptured from god's hand himself, beautiful nature picturesque. I cannot believe that something so beautiful actually existed.... serene waterfalls whose water poured straight into the sea....spectacular rock formations shaped to perfection by milleniums of years of Earth's boundless patience...beaches with sands so white that I actually felt guilty leaving my footprints on it. My exagerated words may sound as exagerated as it is but believe me...english have not created words to exagerate it any further nor describe the beauty I stole a glance at (or maybe I'm just not meant to be a poet). I'll show some pics but with my infant skills of photograpy i can't guarantee i captured the beauty i spoke....

.....so? how was that? beautiful eh?
Don't you just wish you were there? Witnessing the serenity with your own eyes....
Okay, quit day dreaming, back to reality...and wipe that drool away from your chin. Anyway, remember I mentioned earlier that we had them Korea Fellas plan the trip to us?? Well, we ended up not following the plan. Just like Langkawi, we were approached by "car rental" agents....they were saying something to us we can't comprehend but i bet my butt they were saying "Kereta...kereta murah...sewa kereta ..."
Since public buses are of none existence on the island, and all taxi drivers carry shiny sharp knives to cut unsuspecting tourist's throats.....we hired one. He took a look at our plans and shook his head almost immediately. Says we waste time crossing here and there and he made a new plan for us...he's been driving there for god knows how long....so we trusted him. In the end, we found out that we hired the right guy ......and very very funny.
He speaks very little english and none Japanese, but he tried his best using the universal body language. He had us looking forward to his explanation of things....not to mention red light entertainment. uhh, red light here means traffic light kind of red light....not us prostituting ourselves. Anyway, whenever we reached a red light, he would turn to us and say...not exactly say but...move? hmm...say something about the local places or perform tricks meant for small kids. The tricks were lame but from the way he does it.....damn, i had to laugh my lungs out . Here's his pic....

he uhh....stuck a stalk of grass on his upper lips and said "Charlie Chaplin"...
Hmm...what else. Okay, i'll skip stories bout historical sites...
Oh...this a good one.
He took us to a road....a mystery road. He drove to quite a remote area...
went down a slope....
stopped at the bottom of the slope...
turn off the engine...
smiled cheekily at us...
released the brakes...
and the car....moved....
UP the slope!!!
My brains were busted on the spot. This is like...Damn...how can it happen?? He also demonstrated pouring water and the water flowed....UPwards. We thought it was some kind of optical illusion when he brought a...umm...you know that big ruler thing with a water area in the middle? to show if the ground is level or not? well, that thing...and it pointed that the water IS flowing up the slope....What? Is Gravity on vacation too? Hmm....wonder what would Newton say....
Anyway, we then headed away to eat black pig. it's pork from black coloured pigs. Not the usual pink ones we eat everyday. It taste some what different than usual...maybe it's because they told me it's different and then my brains got cheated and argued with my tounge. Looks like this though....

taste good yo...
It really did taste good. But right after eating, Mr. Car Rental had to take us to some place....a place beyond all imagination...a black pig sty. For some reasons i couldn't fathom, he had to take us there no matter what, just t0o proof that we really did eat black pigs.

That wasn't so bad but...he started telling stories......
This is the one story that's not funny at all...not one tiny, puny bit.
He told us that we ate them. But do we know what they eat?? He gestured to his ass and said "shit"...points to the pig and said "eat". Not just that, he had to go up there, squat and pretend he's shitting....along with "ugghhhhh" sound we all make when we go shit. Points to that pig eating shit again, then points back to us eating just now.....and know what?? My friends were laughing!! They can actually laugh!!
As for me, I just had to leave that place AT ONCE! Waves after waves of nausea crashed again my fragile stomache walls unmercifully. Frantically rummage through my pockets...dropping keys and stuff....and to my HUUUUGGGE relieve still had one last piece of chewing gum. I tried the "self-hypnotizing" thing...thought of the mountains beyond. It worked...i didn't feel like throwing out my lunch. But just then i heard the pig squeal.....nice....very nice..."thank you" very much Mr. Car Rental.
Sigh...Oh, one last bit. We stayed at a place called Jim Jil Bang. In korea, it wasn't Jack and Jil who went up the hill after all...was Jim. Anyway, it's cheap lodging and most people there are youngsters. The resting place is where guys and girls get together and everyone sleep on the floor in one big hall....just like orgies but with clothes on. Bathrooms are just like Ofuro....a big bathing place where everyone shamelessly bathe in front of each other. Seperate ones for guys and girls of course.....but...
There's 2 floors of resting place. Once i was on my up to another resting place, where I accidently almost entered the girls Ofuro.....almost, when one of my senior step out of it and asked me where I'm trying to go. Phew!....She had just unknowingly saved me from a huge embarassment. But then again, I was at one step before the gates of heaven itself....where angels are. Of course i felt relieved that i didn't make a fool of myself but Damn.....could've been my day. uh....*ehem...girls, forgive me for my libido. All guys thinks exactly the way I did. Just that they don't put it up on blogs. I have skin as thick as Great Wall of China.
Anyway, we next headed for Busan next.....but that's for part 5. Promise I'll write faster....
And so after exploring Seoul, we continued on to Jeju Isle. It's the southernmost island in South Korea. Just for info....Jeju is pronounced "Che Ju" and not "Je Ju"....same as the actress in Winter Sonata, the all famous Korean Soap Drama. We spent 2 days there but i'll just sum things up.
About Jeju itself,
It's a place of breathetaking, sculptured from god's hand himself, beautiful nature picturesque. I cannot believe that something so beautiful actually existed.... serene waterfalls whose water poured straight into the sea....spectacular rock formations shaped to perfection by milleniums of years of Earth's boundless patience...beaches with sands so white that I actually felt guilty leaving my footprints on it. My exagerated words may sound as exagerated as it is but believe me...english have not created words to exagerate it any further nor describe the beauty I stole a glance at (or maybe I'm just not meant to be a poet). I'll show some pics but with my infant skills of photograpy i can't guarantee i captured the beauty i spoke....

.....so? how was that? beautiful eh?
Don't you just wish you were there? Witnessing the serenity with your own eyes....
Okay, quit day dreaming, back to reality...and wipe that drool away from your chin. Anyway, remember I mentioned earlier that we had them Korea Fellas plan the trip to us?? Well, we ended up not following the plan. Just like Langkawi, we were approached by "car rental" agents....they were saying something to us we can't comprehend but i bet my butt they were saying "Kereta...kereta murah...sewa kereta ..."
Since public buses are of none existence on the island, and all taxi drivers carry shiny sharp knives to cut unsuspecting tourist's throats.....we hired one. He took a look at our plans and shook his head almost immediately. Says we waste time crossing here and there and he made a new plan for us...he's been driving there for god knows how long....so we trusted him. In the end, we found out that we hired the right guy ......and very very funny.
He speaks very little english and none Japanese, but he tried his best using the universal body language. He had us looking forward to his explanation of things....not to mention red light entertainment. uhh, red light here means traffic light kind of red light....not us prostituting ourselves. Anyway, whenever we reached a red light, he would turn to us and say...not exactly say but...move? hmm...say something about the local places or perform tricks meant for small kids. The tricks were lame but from the way he does it.....damn, i had to laugh my lungs out . Here's his pic....

he uhh....stuck a stalk of grass on his upper lips and said "Charlie Chaplin"...
Hmm...what else. Okay, i'll skip stories bout historical sites...
Oh...this a good one.
He took us to a road....a mystery road. He drove to quite a remote area...
went down a slope....
stopped at the bottom of the slope...
turn off the engine...
smiled cheekily at us...
released the brakes...
and the car....moved....
UP the slope!!!
My brains were busted on the spot. This is like...Damn...how can it happen?? He also demonstrated pouring water and the water flowed....UPwards. We thought it was some kind of optical illusion when he brought a...umm...you know that big ruler thing with a water area in the middle? to show if the ground is level or not? well, that thing...and it pointed that the water IS flowing up the slope....What? Is Gravity on vacation too? Hmm....wonder what would Newton say....
Anyway, we then headed away to eat black pig. it's pork from black coloured pigs. Not the usual pink ones we eat everyday. It taste some what different than usual...maybe it's because they told me it's different and then my brains got cheated and argued with my tounge. Looks like this though....

taste good yo...
It really did taste good. But right after eating, Mr. Car Rental had to take us to some place....a place beyond all imagination...a black pig sty. For some reasons i couldn't fathom, he had to take us there no matter what, just t0o proof that we really did eat black pigs.

That wasn't so bad but...he started telling stories......
This is the one story that's not funny at all...not one tiny, puny bit.
He told us that we ate them. But do we know what they eat?? He gestured to his ass and said "shit"...points to the pig and said "eat". Not just that, he had to go up there, squat and pretend he's shitting....along with "ugghhhhh" sound we all make when we go shit. Points to that pig eating shit again, then points back to us eating just now.....and know what?? My friends were laughing!! They can actually laugh!!
As for me, I just had to leave that place AT ONCE! Waves after waves of nausea crashed again my fragile stomache walls unmercifully. Frantically rummage through my pockets...dropping keys and stuff....and to my HUUUUGGGE relieve still had one last piece of chewing gum. I tried the "self-hypnotizing" thing...thought of the mountains beyond. It worked...i didn't feel like throwing out my lunch. But just then i heard the pig squeal.....nice....very nice..."thank you" very much Mr. Car Rental.
Sigh...Oh, one last bit. We stayed at a place called Jim Jil Bang. In korea, it wasn't Jack and Jil who went up the hill after all...was Jim. Anyway, it's cheap lodging and most people there are youngsters. The resting place is where guys and girls get together and everyone sleep on the floor in one big hall....just like orgies but with clothes on. Bathrooms are just like Ofuro....a big bathing place where everyone shamelessly bathe in front of each other. Seperate ones for guys and girls of course.....but...
There's 2 floors of resting place. Once i was on my up to another resting place, where I accidently almost entered the girls Ofuro.....almost, when one of my senior step out of it and asked me where I'm trying to go. Phew!....She had just unknowingly saved me from a huge embarassment. But then again, I was at one step before the gates of heaven itself....where angels are. Of course i felt relieved that i didn't make a fool of myself but Damn.....could've been my day. uh....*ehem...girls, forgive me for my libido. All guys thinks exactly the way I did. Just that they don't put it up on blogs. I have skin as thick as Great Wall of China.
Anyway, we next headed for Busan next.....but that's for part 5. Promise I'll write faster....
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