Monday, May 17, 2010

Return from hiatus...

I haven't blogged for quite some time now...
For those who have been following my blog since year 1, you might notice that my blogs will be on hiatus every year from the January to May period. The reason is plainly laziness, procrastination, didn't have the mood, too busy...but still, it all comes to the same time of the year. So yeah...I was on hiatus again.

Anyway, the last time I blogged was about my trip to Tokyo, which happened in January.

Well, it's not that my life has been THAT boring since fact, a lot of things have happened. Just didn't blog about it...
Boring, mundane, everyday stuff...just can't be bothered.

Well, there was one thing though. A bitter sweet memory.
As some of you may know, I found love...lost it. But found it again...
Nothing interesting here, right?? =p

Anyway, now that I am a graduate student, I've been mostly busy...staying in lab until 9.30 p.m everyday...I sometimes spend my Saturdays in lab!! as a masters student is really quite busy. I do enjoy research anyway so, busy, but not all that stressful...

But as busy as I am, I try to have fun whenever I can...

Been attending quite a lot of parties and more parties...
I think I may have increased my tolerance towards beer, and I've learned quite a few dances as well...^^

Well, I've attended parties before in the previous years, but this year is special as I got to meet quite a few interesting people who really made a big impression. People whom I will not forget forever...except guys maybe. I tend to forget guys...haha.

Well, will blog about more things from now on.

Peace out!!

1 comment:

sakura said...

welcome back ^^