Saturday, November 01, 2008

Malacca : BE a Polygamist Year 2008

Recent news that caught my attention...

"Malacca may give RM1,000 to men who take them as second wives"

"Married men in Malacca may receive RM1,000 from the state government if they choose to take poor, single mothers as second wives, reported Harian Metro .
The daily
quoted Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam, who made the proposal, as stressing that the incentive would be given on condition, among others, that the men do not divorce their first wives.
He said the move was not to encourage polygamy but to ease the burden of single mothers who are dependent on welfare aid from various parties."

As a Malaccan, I must say, "WOW!! Really? Isn't this just a new campaign to boost tourism...shit, I have to get married soon before all the young mothers are taken up... "
Damn, I can't believe such proposal ever made it to the discussion table. Malacca must be a place that produces many jokers with funny craps, like myself (^^ v , and dear CM. But I gotta admit, he's a crappier guy than me, as I can NEVER come up with bullshit such as this...

What the hell does he mean by this will not encourage polygamy? OF COURSE this will encourage polygamy. He's giving away Rm1000 for goodness sake!!

Yeah, you can say that this is a good move to help support single mothers...but think again. They are hoping that men who 'need' this Rm1000 to support their second wive when they can't even support themselves!! AND we are talking about marriage for money...not marriage for love. How long can this kind of marriage last before ex-single mothers become single again? And what's stopping people from marrying to get the money, then ditch her to live on her own??

Hmm...makes me Malacca's dear CM in love with some young chic who unfortunately got knocked up? In proposing this joke, he not only get to legitimately marry a second wive, he might even be the first "noble" one to actually marry and get the RM1000.

Damn...and I thought I've heard every possible nonsense from Malaysia, my dear hometown's CM came up with a "genius" plan to make me laugh all over again....


stevelee67 said...


1000 per mth ?

or only in one payment,if thats the case.How if he divorces the 2nd wife and get marry again to another 2nd wife, he can keep on getting rm1000 ?
Thats better than working as a manager...

Crabbed!! said...

Once only...

Well, I think they set a few rules and condition for this one...otherwise, there will be many kenduri in Melaka.

m@y3 g@L said...

I think Ali Rustam want to be the first to queue up for that! Men would always use the stupid reason for 'something' else..Man! Man! Man!...

Crabbed!! said...

Well...yes, men are professional liars. We are all born with that ability....haha..

I lost count of how many times I used stupid reasons in order to achieve something..

Endoru said...

Funny stuff.
It's like encouraging "politically corrected prostitution".
How can they come out with such lousy ideas ?
Might as well give the RM1000 directly to them.

You are linked to my blog, Randy.
If that's okay. :D

Kelly said...

Sounds so absurd if not funny..
Malaysia's Ministers are really a creative lot lar..

Crabbed!! said...

Oh..thanks ^^
Always thought you discontinued your blog as I sometimes check on your blogspot account..

Well, like I said, there's a possibility that he want to marry some young chic that got knocked up by 'someone'...

Either that, or Malacca is just full of men with lousy, creative ideas....lousy and downright dumb, but creative nonetheless. haha...

Come on...Malaysian Minister are already troubled by that Mongolian Woman's murder, sodomy accused Anwar, that crazy guy who tore up Datuk Koh Tsu Khoon's portrait...

You don't have to pin this(proposed by Malacca's Cm) on them....^^

He must have thought that the local was boring and decided to "spice things up" ..

Suba said...

He's kinda trying to take after China,only he doesn't have a real good case going! You see,once upon a time in china(lol!),when it was hit b a devastating earthquake(not the recent one),it kinda encouraged the men and women who were orphaned by the quake to get married to each other and start anew and the govt,in turn,would provide them with least that's what i read...feels like he's trying to do the same here.But really,r our single mothers really doing so terribly?? Why not give them the rm1000 so they can start anew or something like that?
Ridiculousness preceded by even more ridiculousness....sigh~~~

Crabbed!! said...

IMHO, the logic is that if they can get men to marry the single mothers, they are hoping that those men can support her forever. But if they just give the single mothers money, it will be used up within 3 months...and it will make them dependent of the government to help them.
So, this idea actually sounds an ideal world anyway. But god knows that us humans aren't perfect, flawed to the very, this idea becomes scrap. And the fact that CM failed to see that shows how limited his visions are on things...

BTW, I've seen real single mothers struggling to make ends meet, and yes, it is a horrible hell of a life...

m@y3 g@L said...

Yes, single mothers are do some had a terrible life but i think there is a another way out there which can help them too. Doesn't neccessary to use this way isn't it? Eg in a company employ single mother's(with term & conditions) can get some reduction on company income taxes. That would help too isn't it?

Suba said...

maybe i should re-phrase what i our single mothers look so helpless and desperate?? i've seen n been with quite a number of single mothers but these women have remarkable amounts of strength(of coz v have exceptions)and i don't think its necessary for a man to support them but yeah,i agree with maye..y not give them more employment chances and cheaper roofs over their heads...? This certainly is an asolutely narrow idea....

Crabbed!! said...

Yup...exactly. There's so many other ways to help support single mothers but Malacca's CM had to choose the 'manly' way...

The RM1000 reward is to be given out with conditions....and not applied to every single mothers who get married.
And yeah, agrees on other kinds of incentives rather than marry second wive campaign.

Endoru said...

Was a blogger with BlogCity until they forced me to move out because they were starting to charge people.
So, now used WordPress.
Blogspot's just for the not so important ones. :D
And also to comment on people's blog.