Saturday, May 05, 2007

Job Fair 2007

5Wow… much have happened these few days I have trouble remembering them all. But being an avid PC user since I 13, I have adopted the PC way of remembering things….I partitioned part of my brains to Brain:\Cerebrum\GoldenWeek\JobFair2007 and Brain:\Cerebellum\GoldenWeek\Gathering.

guess I’ll access files from Job Fair first…

Early this year, I became one of the committee member for MSAJ, namely Malaysian Students Association Japan. This spring…well, last week actually, we successfully organized a Job Fair. A kind of fair where companies set up booths for undergrads to check out for jobs….AND companionship as well. I personally witnessed "couple in making" there.

Anyway, being one of the committee member, I was put charged in power supply to booths and distribution of lunch. But really, I did much much more than that. I was the unofficial ‘bouncer’ of the day, garbage disposal and also pest control. Hmm…What does it mean by pest control? It’s not like there’s bunch of roaches came looking for job in Malaysia right? (though I secretly guessed that they would eat better there). I will explain soon enough…

Okay, let’s do things chronologically shall we?

May 3rd,
I knew that the seminar was going to be a tough challenge when several committee members came late to our meeting. (Sigh…old habits die hard) But never mind that, we manage to brief and sort things out by midnight anyway. We all also mentally prepare ourselves for the big day next day. It’s gonna be a loooong day.

May 4th, opening time,
About the ‘mentally prepare ourselves’ part, that was a figure of speech cause’ we had to call a few who’s apparently late and ask them "What time will you be coming". Anyway, event hall opened and we all rushed in to set things, namely reception and power supply to booths. I personally take pride in the fact that we managed to get the booths set up without any major hiccups.


I was doing my rounds asking company representatives if they are ready to receive the students. Most were already seated and their laptop fans were humming their blades in anticipation. Most gave me steady nods coupled with confident smiles… good for them, now, I reached Proton’s booth, only to find out that was in the same shape as I left them with! GAWD, I can almost here the walls wail with agonizing loneliness as they have not set anything up yet!!!

Me: Erm…sudah siap dengan….nampaknya belum siap lagi kan?
Proton: *smiling happily* Rep kita tak datang lagi…
Me: 5 mimit lagi student masuk….
Proton: Boleh tunggu tak?
Me: Excuse me?!!
Proton: Rep kita tak sampai lagi, boleh tunggu sampai rep datang?
Me: 5….4minit lagi student masuk. Good luck.

Few minutes later….

"Excuse me, Kamu ada nombor telefon rep kita tak? …"

All I can say about them is "Wow….." If anyone went to see Mona Lisa’s painting after that, he/she would know what Mona Lisa was smiling about!!!

May4th, noon time…
Lunch time….Oh lord, What a sight to see. You see, students who attended the fair all wore blazers with tie and shiny leather shoes. Seems that in order to eat…they had to take off their shoes, sit in groups ON THE FLOOR outside the hall, not forgetting to sembang and lepak there after eating. Being Malaysian to the last, they had to leave their rubbish on the floor. Although not all, those numbers who left them were significant enough.

I was unfortunate enough to meet the hall manager (the president was conveniently away at the moment). He was smiling that smile…ya know, that smile when you see something utterly shocking and unbelievable…and asked, "So, these guys are looking for job today? Hahaha….can you please make sure they clear up? Please clear up.." Sigh, he must have sensed that there was nothing could be done about it.

By the way, did I mention something about "pest control"? This was it.

May 4th, closing time…
After witnessing Proton that morning, I decided to inform them of closure one hour before closing time. One of the committee members told me it’s too early to start telling them to pack but….after what I saw in the morning, I mean, who could trust them to pack on time, right?

This time with Perodua, 5.00 pm

Me: Sila pastikan semua clear sebelum pukul 5.30. Harap Maklum.

Perodua:La...tunggu kejap. Tunggu satu lagi group habis baru kami pack…

Me: Tak boleh, kita mesti clear semua sebelum masa tu…harap maklum.

At 5.25 pm…they have packed, an amazing feat worth getting award for, but were sitting around chatting instead.

Me: Maaf ganggu, tapi kami dah nak tutup dewan ni…
Perodua: la dik…kejap lagi la. Angkat beg ni, terus boleh keluar. Kejap je…
Me: *losing patience* Maaf, tak boleh tunggu lagi. Sila keluar dari dewan sekarang.

Well, informing them one hour before closure, turn out I made the right decision after all….we manage to clear by 5.30. PHEW!!!

But all in all…..I have to say congrats to the team who made it happen. Was a big event and we manage to pull through. GOOD JOB GUYS!!!!

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