I'm no music expert, but I think that it's because bass produce pulses of "solid sounds", oppose to guitars that is mostly done by "burst of sounds". The bass sound (bass guitar and drums) mostly provide the beat or rhytmn...that's why they "pluck" the strings.
>Steve Lee
Yeah!! That's a great idea!! We should definitely try that next time...
Anyway, nah...I'm no anime reviewer. Just sharing the good stuff that I find. Although I have to say that I've probably seen enough animes to become a reviewer...
Yeah...that's what separates the good from the bad. The band that have to shout to be heard and the ones that have the audience shouting. My school once had a good band and the guitar plays is just awesome!! You can totally get his feelings from listening to him strum his guitar.
With nothing special going on....and the fact that I'm bored out of my mind, I've resorted to the one source of entertaintment that I've yet to do in this lifetime. And that is.......taking a picture of myself with no particular background to show that "I was there!!!" nor to mark any special occasion. This particular "hobby" have been favourite past time for both my seniors....MGS girl and Kedah girl(Someone from Kedah name Pedot)...and I've had my share of teasing/laughing at them. But never did I guess that I would also one day succumb to it.
Well, it have been a long time since I've posted any picture of myself so...here's a pic of me now....

So...what do you think of my hairstyle? Does it suit me?....what the &%$%#!!! HEY!! Stop laughing!!! This is the first time...and probably the last...I'm doing this. Well, until I get bored again anyway..
As for other random news, I found out the one job that you'll never want to do. Firefighters. Yeah....men dressed in bright yellow plastic suits riding red trucks. I was out one night and I came across a group of firemen huddled around a burning stack of dry grass. Well, no they were NOT trying to put out the fire. Instead they were just standing around talking and setting fire to other stacks. Yeah...you read it right, they were setting fire to the stacks!!
You see, in Japan....a country that does it's best to preserve peace and quiet, it's no surprise that there's no one here stupid enough to play with fire let alone set fire to buildings. So...my guess is those firemen have not seen fire for a loooong time. They must have missed fire so much that they decided to have a small bonfire....ya know, just to keep their spirits up. After all, they didn't become firemen just to rescue cats trapped in trees.
As for other random news...it was raining the otyher night and I didn't have an umbrel.......ahh forget it. GAWD I'm bored...