Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Cry Baby

After what I’d witness in Japan this afternoon, I finally started to believe that mankind have caused quite serious damage to mother earth. Signs that Mother Nature is suffering is starting to show in Japan.

You all seen the show "The day after tomorrow" and you all heard Al Gore going nuts over greens.

You see…this afternoon….it rained.

IT RAINED AGAIN!! ehem, may not be brick sized ice but they’re water right??

I’m telling you, Mama Nature is suffering from all those CFC, CO2 or whatever gas we are releasing these days…and she couldn’t take it anymore. So, this afternoon she turned to Japan and cried the whole day. You see, I was heading out for another round of skating ( I’m a sadomasochist and I take pleasure from falling off my skate) when Mother Nature said to me, "Randy, wait…don’t go out skating today, please…. sit down and listen to me whine. Your ‘kind’ is sooo cruel to me. You know, back in those days when I was dating George…."

AARggghhh…someone forgot to tell her that I’m not the sentimental type. Sigh, tried consoling her by telling her that people are actually starting to recycle, cars use hybrid engine… even tried promising her that we will stop molesting her by climbing Mt. Everest!! But alas nothing work. She kept on crying…blowing her nose once in a while…gross, her nose spits out lightning….

So here I am, ignoring her woes and typing factual nonsense instead. Amazing the things you can come up with when faced with boredom. Someone said something about Idle mind being the devil’s playground? Well, the Devil must be one hell of a clown.

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