me with this. Wearing skirt after skating will ease your legs as jeans tend to be a little tight.
Yeah...I enjoyed the burger on the 1st and 2nd bite.....but after that is quite hard to swallow. Didn't you notice I keep eating fries after a bite or two of the burger? And the fries was too salty too....
>calvin thing I learn from the Lore of Craps...."never repeat your crap within a short amount of time or it'll lose flavour"
Besides...I'll leave that one for you to decorate your blog with...
Really? Don't think anyone would complain if you were late though...
"It's a lady's right to have someone waiting for them"...or so I was told.
Winter holidays officially started today.....and I'm bored out of my mind! Sigh....I prefer schooling days where I have my research(will blog about it in the future) to do. Much more fun doing tests with the new machine I helped built. Much much more fun doing upgrades with the heat management of the machine....discovering new stuff....discussing it with my lecturer. The only times where I actually feel that I've been born to this world with a purpose and not just a waste of Oxygen.
Now....I'm just too free and have too much time. So bored.....anyway, here's a pic of my dormitory...

See that one room with lights? That's my room. Just in case you're wondering, I did not take the trouble to get everyone to turn off the lights of their rooms just to take this picture. I said I was free, not stupid.
As for everyone else, they've gone back. Well, I'm not exactly junior, Wye Marn(Few people said that we look some what similar....) is here too. But he usually wakes up at midnight to start his "war". DAMN IT!! I know that you have a good sound system and that you are proud of it...but can't you show it off when I'm NOT trying to sleep?

Pic taken last year. He's the guy on the left....look like me? Wow...that's a worse insult than a kid calling me stupid. And yeah....I was thin back then.
Anyway, the whole day today, I spent my free time in my room, watching anime....imprinting my chair's cushion with the shape of my butt...not really doing much. But I did discover one other thing.....the secret to dieting and losing weight. This mystery have long eluded the vain girls and guys of the world and I manage to solve it. The answer is.....

Yup, peanut butter. Sounds like bullshit as peanuts butter is fattening right? Well, yes if you eating a bottle at a time. But what you should really do when you want to skip meals is eat a spoonful or two of peanut butter......wait, not a spoonful at a time but small bites, like eating it off a chopsticks. Taking small bites over a long period of times can somewhat quell your hunger and prevent from over eating. And the good thing is that peanut butter is rich with fats and your body gets the energy it needs. This works but not recommended if you plan to only eat peanut butter in one whole day. Eat ONE proper meal(breakfast or lunch), then lick the living hell out of that chopstick. Have I mentioned it? I have not.....PEANUT BUTTER TASTE GREAT TOO.
Quote from Black Lagoon, a anime...
"Amen Hallelujah Peanuts Butter...."
Wha.....what? I told you I was bored right? No need to let your jaw hanging wide reading this entry..."Wow, what the hell is Randy thinking, talking about peanut butter? Don't he have better stories to tell? "
Sigh....I'm bored and irritated. But don't mind me...this should be temporary. I'll be having loads of fun starting from Monday.

I'll be helping with organizing "Malaysian Night" this Monday. And see that cute Santa waving? Yeah, that'll be me in that Santa suit. Hope that I'll look ridiculous in that suit so that I'll have better things to blog than peanut butter.
Heh....I know that you'll want to try the peanut butter thing let me know the results.