Thursday, October 19, 2006

Upcoming Fest in Campus, not sure what festival, but ....hey it's a fest!

Hmm....I can't really say it's a relief that I share the same shame of not being able to converse properly, so I'll settle for I feel sorry for the both of you as well.

As usual, I'll start by saying stuff that have got nothing to do with the title.

Just last week, my campus held a Sports Day. Remember my blog about it last year? In case you don't, well, we had a guy who dress up as HG (Hard Gay) with real tight leather shorts and matching leather jacket. I really enjoyed that gig.....but sadly, there are guys and especially girls students who do not approve of such tight leather shorts and leather jacket. Apparently, they hated that image so much that this year, we have a naked skinny guy wrapped only with loincloth(sumo style). Although his rib bones were protruding and his butt was shamelessly expose to everything living, he was loved by all students. He umm......was getting a tough time trying to get the President of campus to smile, so he said, shouted that he was very excited for Sports Day and that he is having a super erection!! At last, the president smiled....good job dude!!

And now for the upcoming fest in my campus.

At the fest, all classes and clubs will set up their own stalls selling various stuff from food to cute keychains. And as for advertisement, we are given signboards on which we can draw any stuff we want.... anything. Well, as for "International Club" we are selling our country's local food, so our board was a picture of two chef sitting in a wok. Boring? Yes, I think its boring too and same goes for the rest.
However, my classmates managed to "think out of the box" and apparently "think out of the clothes". You see, they drew a naked guy and a naked girl whose hands are touching each other's crotch!!!! They plan to cut holes at the face so that you know, put your face through and have your picture taken.
Here it is...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Cool huh? I just can't wait to see all my lects faces when they see this!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Embarassment on an international level....

OH.....conditioner. Now that just answered all my bullshit doubts I made up in my free time. Thanks saved me from wasting many more hours. Anyway, I changed my phone for a total 10187 yen.....which is RM 314 and 54 sen. Hmm....was that the price of a Nokia 2100? Haha....well, if you folks in Malaysia starting to feel jealous, check out that website once more so that you go all out when it comes to cursing me.

Btw, my hair cut + wash cost me 2850 yen.

Now that I've solved my riddled concerning that hair-do trip, I finally have free time to blog again. Thanks again Jun.

Until last week, I was confident about my level of comunication for Chinese. Was confident that I could participate in simple conversation that doesn't involve politics or Chinese pop-stars without any hic-cups or whatsoever. In fact I'm actually proud of being able to speak the language despite not attending any Chinese classes., did I forget that I have been in Japan for a year and half already.

You see, last college held a programming contest. We have had many participants including University students from Vietnam, Mongolia ......and China, to be exact, Dalian. And the juicy part was that....they had a girl in the group. So, being the one who's able to at least count to ten with Chinese(The rest was Jap fellas), I approached the group. Well, my junior was with me also at that time, I was planning to lure him to engage with the guys so that i could have the girl all for myself, so it was no problem.
Anyway, right after we exchanged the first 'Ni Hao'.....reality hit me. It hit me sooo hard that I almost buckled from the impact and throw up yesterday's breakfast. I ......I realised that I can't speak Chinese anymore.....I have been in Japan for too long.

To be precise, it all happened in a slow motion. Yeah! Just like The Matrix.... but without bullets and no one's flying. No, really! It was like, they asked me a question.....and then time just froze. Everything around me just stopped moving and I realised I was struggling in limbo to understand what that guy just said....and had to take more time to think of a reply. "Aww shit! I knew that word.....what was it now? Aww damn!" .... and without warning, time rushed back and everything started moving again. And I haven't thought of anything for a reply. Man.....the whole thing was a damn shame. Not to mention the awkwardness both party felt from my terrible linguistic skill.

Okay...okay.....that was a bit crappy. I mean what the hell was that?!! There was no Matrix senario!!! Anyway, here's a more realistic surroundings didn't freeze-time, it was only me who stopped moving. They said something and I froze like a mannequin. Well, I had to stop to think of a reply, right?!! junior who was suppose to be my decoy turn out to be doing surprisingly well as he is very fluent with Cantonese, and one of em' spoke it. See? I couldn't even share my embarassment with him.

Well, apparently that's NOT the only shit that I screwed see, despite of my shortcomings, I still dared to approach the girl. Guess what? I offered to bring her a cup of APPLE juice and gave her GRAPE juice instead. SIGHHHHhhhhhhhh........never in my life had I wanted to hide in a hole .... or cover my tomato-red blushing face with a paper bag. So, looking at her confused face drinking grape instead of apple, I politely made a lame ass excuse and pulled away. Probably pulled away too late for the damage have been done.

Oh my, I really should do something about not embarassing myself. So.....that was my weekend. How was yours?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Living in a New World

Say uhh.....J.C, can i crash again at your place? I know I've been going to your place awfully often but it's NOT that I "like"'s that Nasi Lemak that that i like. And it's quickly overpowering all of my excuses for not going to your place. MayC, sorry...not going to your place. No hard feelings, eh? It's just that Nasi Lemak have that much more charm compared to bubur cha cha.


You know, I've just realised recently how much I loved old movies and old, not the Beetles, not that old! I meant songs from Blink 182 and movies like Die Hard 1, 2, 3. As a guy who's living in a world of high tech gizmos and girls with little if no regard for their own asses (them MSFCs ), I shouldn't be doing all that! I should be embracing the future! I should be living in the new world!!

So, I thought.....what better way to participate in the New World than to actually create something new?? In so doing, I participated in a Patent Contest....the one where you create or design something, then register it to get it patented or copyrighted. And that's what I've been up to the past 2 weeks.
My idea was a kind of cup that won't spill even if the surroundings shake. I uhh....actually got the idea after my cup of coffee stain my good pair of pants during a terrible turbulence on my flight from Malaysia to Japan.....lousy normal cups. I can't tell you anymore about my cup cause' you'll have to pay if you want to know about it. Yup, that's right, you gotta PAY to use my cup...huargh hahaha.....unless if the China market copycat my cup like they copycat evrything else..well, you get the general idea.

So....what else is new??

A new haircut!! Yea baby....I got myself a new hairdo. Quite a weird experience though. You see, I went straight after my class so i requested a shampoo wash. It's the first time in my life getting shampooed by hands other than mine so I may not know how it should really work....maybe its normal but, it is normal for them to cover your face with a paper towel while they wash your hair? I mean, am I THAT hideous looking till they have to cover my face while they shampoo or else they'll vomit and die after staring at me for too long? And do they also have to shampoo my head twice? TWICE! In my whole life I've never had lice on my head nor dandruff (thanks to my pet monkey who eats it for breakfast...). So why do they need to shampoo me twice?!!
Anyway, the haircut was a pretty decent job so I guess its ok......but I could have sworn they debated over whether they should cover my face with an ultraman mask or risk breaking the mirror. And they have got the guts to ask me if the water is too hot...or if my neck feels stiff from the wash...or if my ear hurts or if my back hurts...I don't look that old and handicapped, do I?

By the way, what i really meant was that they did a really good job at that salon. Just in case you don't know what I meant there.

And oh, before you close this page, please check out this handphone site.

I myself a new handphone! An astonishing 16 mm with a 1280x960 pixel cam. On that page click on the "Photo Catalog to see more. Envy me all you want but Please...please don't get the same model. Allow me to be the only one to show off in our next gathering.

Peace out.