Umm...what is that dude doing, holding his chest with a sad face like that.
And what's wrong with the mannequins? Did they run out of plasters to make boobs?
And why are those bras on display so small...wait...are WAY!!!
Those are men bras!!
Shit, the end of the world is truly coming....Yes, now they have bra for men and it's available in Japan.
I have no idea why they made bra available for men, but this is damn ridiculous.
I've seen guys sitting in front of the mirror setting their hair and trimming their eyebrows.
I've seen guys putting on foundation on their faces as they are "afraid of the sun" or "wants fair skin".
I've even seen guys going on strict diet just so that they can fit into tight pants.
But this....what the hell? Men's bra? Now the Japs have gone too far!!!
Aw shit, this have got to be the most disgusting piece of picture I've ever posted on my blog.
OKAY...let's be fair to those guys who "needs" them. These guys aren't exactly transvestite, nor are they some perverted cross dresser. They are normal, everyday office men. Report says that Japanese men have "requested" for them...asking why can't guys wear bra too. It supposedly have positive psychological effect...boosting self confidence and relieving stress. They are so popular that these men bra sold out on the first day of sales!! And I kid you not when I say, there are request for men bra in the US as well.
This thing isn't exactly new in Japan. The trend where men have become less "manly" started long ago. Many of the guys here are less aggressive, forgoing the masculine look and opting for a softer touch; such as trimming eyebrows, putting on make up, refusing to go out if they're hair/clothes aren't well done....some even refuses sexual relationship with women, preferring "self help" toys instead. In Japan, they are labeled as "herbivors" in harmless as a cow kind of herbivors.
See how scary Japanese lifestyle can get? You may have heard about the many suicide cases in Japan, but now you know to what extend the pressure and mental stress people face here. And to think that I MAY WORK HERE someday, this isn't encouraging at all...
Can you putting on a bra before going to work? My thick, hairy arms reaching out to the back, trying to hook it in place?
Looking into the mirror, then smiling stupidly to myself....full of confidence with a red bra on my chest....
Can you imagine the sheer horror of that??
Someone please kill me the day anyone sees reddish strap beneath my white shirt....
women needs bra to support and protect their heavy breast, but men...i dun think they need it.Those need it maybe can be considered as hentai.
They may be hen, but definitely not hentai...
You see, they don't get any erotic pleasure out of wearing the bras, they feel secure instead. Although they don't have breast to support, which means they have nothing to feel unsecured about... me thinking why they don't just wear a tight singlet instead....
because bra keeps warm~~~
Bra keeps warmth?? I thought we have jackets for that!! And we don't exactly feel cold on that two "areas" only ya know...
Message from mom via sms...
"Randy, if u putting on bra. share mom bra. i teach u how to side push band down. u look sexy. wear with your transparent white shirt. OH my God."
-_-; .....
thumbs up to your mom she is damn cool...
don't worry, if i ever see you with a bra on, i'll kill you...
p.s. please do the same for me too...
Now you understand why am i so crazy at times? Having a mom like that...but she's cool though...haha.
Oh yeah, please do so...but please be kind enough to disfigure my face as I wouldn't anyone to recognize me....
ur definition of herbivor man is wrong.
Seen that on tv last week >.<
Gane, call me and wait, we kill together
Really? I thought herbivors are soft guys...those pretty boys...
wrong? How so?
>Vincent must really hate seeing me in bra.
haha, i must meet randy mama one day man!!
Ho prepared for all kinds of crap/lame jokes. spend an hour with her, you can hear all kinds of things meant to embarrass me. spend any longer, you'll be forever'll start crapping too.
....I'll kill u too...Or try to ignore the 'sight'...
ur mom crap?Great!!:p
Haha...please get in line. A lot of people wants to kill me if they catch me wearing a bra.
Yeah...ever wondered why I talk so much nonsense?
It's genetic...
I really wish to meet your mum one day..funny siao..
Haha.. ur mum was so cool.. many people want to kill u...nvm let me be the last altho killing a dead body tho...hahaha....
@_@...please tell me my eyes are fooling me....please tell me that picture of that smiling guy with a bra on was some kinda photoshop-edit....*must get the image of randy with bra outta ma head!!*....*bangs head repeteadly on desk*
>Kelly many people suddenly wants to meet my mom. She'll say
" many candidate to choose ah? Which one to be my daughter-in-law leh??
Hmm...being the last, can you at least help call the cops??
No, Suba...I wish I knew how to use photoshop, but I don't. What you see is real.... might need more than just banging head on desk...haha
*while banging head on table*
oh gawd........*moans,flips over and drops dead*
Of cos will call the cops n reporter as well...den u will be famous over a nite...haha.... :p
look at the bright side... you'll be pro in unhooking girls' bras when u well.. u noe...
If I have to practice unhooking men's bra before unhooking a woman's, I'd rather stay a virgin forever...
Haha...nah, just kidding, you DON'T have to undo the bra if u well...u noe...
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