Saturday, August 30, 2008

A place to call home

Tomorrow will be the 4th month since I've moved to my new place. So, I guess by now you are all wondering what kind of place am I living at, right?

Is it a bird's nest?

Is it a plane's hangar?

No, it's Superman-inspired, but normal apartment!!

Is this Superman joke any funny? See? Told you I lost my funny bone..

Anyway, I live in a foliage...

See? I wasn't lying when I said I live in a foliage..

Mi casa...I live on the second floor.

Walk in the front door and you will be greeted by bags of rubbish...Japanese tried to be funny by introducing the "collect different rubbish on different day" scheme. As a result, I always have rubbish lying around my home....
Oh, yeah, I actually separate rubbish and I recycle paper and plastic....and yes, I did not move the bags aside to create an "illusion" that I'm a very clean and rubbish clean fellow. Honest am I?

My study chair which I strategically placed to partially cover the perverted wallpaper of my monitor...rows of novels(on the top shelf..hidden from pic) wardrobe which is HUGE!!...may not look so in the picture but trust me, it's big...and lastly, the trusty fan which have kept me cool in the summer heat..

As you can bed....and also in the pic, the place where I throw my socks when I come home....wires and plastic bag of junk food lying around on the floor. Hmm...maybe I should be more discreet about my personal life.

Ahh....I remembered the day I first entered my new place. I mean, how could I forget? It was my birthday, it was cold(didn't own any heater yet), it was dark, I was alone...and I had to eat cold dinner on the freezing floor on my Birthday....alone...

How can I forget that!!

haha...just kidding. I was actually quite excited to finally have my own place...and I was more tired rather than feeling pathetic and lonely.

It's a very decent place as I chose comfort over price. The rent is 60000yen (Rm2000) per month ...I share with another guy, so I only pay half the amount. Other Malaysians opted for cheaper apartments and they pay a lot lesser, but I'm proud to say that I have the most decent looking place among all. If you think that I'm showing're damn right I'm showing off!! Haha...I paid an extra amount for the right to show off.

A few of my juniors have been to my place and they find it, don't be shy to drop by for a visit anytime!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Randy returns!!!

Yeah..yeah..I know, it's been a long time since I last blog.....and yes, this is not the first time I've been on a long hiatus. Sorry...

You see, after the last post i wrote, I had to move to a new place...and I had to wait a while before I get my internet connection. And then I was busy adjusting to life in my new place in Nagaoka.

And another BIG factor.....I lost my vibe. I lost my...words. After so long of not blogging, I just can't write anymore. My holidays started about a month ago, so I had plenty of time to write stuff...but I found myself just staring at the screen, unable to produce may think that, that's just some excuse but those who knows me, know that I don't just report daily events....we have newspaper for that...I usually include my "personal opinion".

Anyway, I can't just not blog anymore now can I?

Jesus came back to life after 3 days, Buddhist believe in reincarnation, Anwar coming back into political world....even Britney Spears is releasing a new Album!! Britney Spears!!! After so many years! My blog deserve a comeback too don't you think??

But so many things have happened since Turkey and it's too much to write so, I'll just summarize it all up for this time..

March : Turkey
Have much much more to write about turkey but ...sorry guys. will try to write more about it in the future.

Early April : Moving to a new place...
Spent my loneliest Birthday ever. It was cold, I was alone, I ate TV dinner that night....not that I was sad or anything like that...but...okay, guess i was a little lonely.

Early to Mid April : Varsity life..
Started my life in University...joined Japanese drum team. Enjoying my life here at Uni as people here are more friendly and matured..

May~July : Exams..
Life was mainly plagued my exams and tests. Other than that I had experiment reports and more exams..

August : Japanese drum performance!!
I got to perform in front of tens of thousands of people!! Will write about it as something juicy happened as well!!

So, there you go...a short introduction before I get back to blogging again.

That's it for now. See you guys again tomorrow!!