I actually took a whole lot more....for one hour i had to decide which pic not to put in.
Actually...YES! She did ask me to pay her....well, not exactly pay but asked me to buy her poster which cost 500 yen....or was it more?? Anyway, i refused to buy her poster but i did stayed back a bit to chat with her.
Yeah....this is the "toned down" version of my collection. I have....*cough... a lot more girls pic....*cough
Yeah, I liked the elegant chic too. Aww damn it, who am I kidding.... I liked all the girls there!!
>Steve Lee
Really? Ok....and please volunteer more when we go to Turkey.
SO.....how do I look?
Yup, went for a haircut(again) and asked for ridiculousness for style. For years I have been branded as "tough", "scary", "gangster looking", etc... and as you know it, that kind of remark isn't what you label as "compliment".
I have always been kind to girls....ehem....TRY to be kind to girls. I have tried to smile myself silly for no reason...and have always avoided fights. Heck, I've even followed my mother to the market!! And yet certain people fear me for my look. Especially in Japan where guys are a lot smaller size(not height) than me, people tend to fear me and try not to speak to me for fear that "I will eat them". I still remember that there was once a kid who saw me, then ran to hide be hind his mother's legs, pointed at me and say "こわい にいちゃん!" (means scary guy).
Which brings me to ask myself.....am I really that scary looking?
Be honest...had you not known me and see me approaching you, would you hand me your wallet, drop on your knees and beg for your life??
As for people who knows my brother, they will ask me why is that my brother look so pure, innocent, handsome while I'm a little on the rugged, rough type...and my dark skin's is not helping much to better people's opinion on me. Anyway, here's my brother's pic..
Yeah...yeah....I know, he looks different from me. Please feel free to comment though.
ANYWAY, the story behind my hairstyle is....
Last week, I thought that my hair was long so I went to the hair salon to get it trimmed. So, went there and met up with the guy who's been doing my hair for almost a year. ..
Hair dude: So...what kind of style do you want?
Me: I think I like it short, as for the style....I'll leave it to you. Surprise me.
Hair dude: Surprise you? *grin
Me: Yeah...let's do it!
*1 hour later...
Hair dude: Ok...done.
Me: Whoa....what the...
Hair dude: I thought I'd do for you a style that will suit you best. but I think I may have ended up making you look scarier than before!!
Me: Hmm....well, thanks anyway....
And the result is....
Sigh...I think I may have to finally give up my hope on trying to look like Mr. Nice guy and accept my fate. And if you think this is bad, you have not seen me in a blazer yet...
I think god may have meant for me to become a gangster...but something went wrong somewhere and I picked up a pen instead of a parang.
I mean....if a professional hair stylist thought that I should look like this, I guess there's nothing much I can say now, can I? Best accept the fact that I'm born to scare people until I crack them up with my jokes.
Anyway, here's more of me from the side and back...
SO.....honestly, what do you think? How do i look??