Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Strangers have the best candy...

Recently, a friend of mine, Michael Tiong, have alerted me on a news about a Malaysian student studying in Waseda University being charged for drug smuggling.

Apparently, he went to Netherlands one day, and he was approached by a stranger. The stranger persuaded the poor stupid fellow(shall be called PSF from now on.) to assist him in drug smuggling by mailing hemp(plant to make marijuana) to PSF in Japan.

The court have found PSF guilty of smuggling, but is lucky enough to get away with a suspended sentence. The University however, also found PSF guilty, but guilty of being stupid enough to be persuaded into this, and is expelled from school for being so gawd damn stupid.

Now, unless he is a private student who is poor...we can all say "Well, I understand his situation". But he isn't poor! He went all the way to Netherlands for goodness sake!! Even I haven't been to Netherlands....
And, if he was under scholarship, like me, he would have enough money to undergo education comfortably. Can't buy you a Ferrari, but definitely enough to get you hot meals everyday.

Although he isn't someone I know, and he isn't part of scholarship of my sponsor...I can't help but feel that his actions somehow affected me. Everyone who took the trouble to read the papers(in Japan) will definitely know about this and will think that all Malaysians are alike.


Now, when exams approaches and people are looking for ways to release steam, I won't be surprised if one of them approaches me to buy some marijuana. It's sad to think that impression on Malaysians have gone sour like this.

Imagine the look people will give when they see me on the streets...

Imagine how they will all think of Marijuana when they see me... much money I would make if I had sold drugs...hmm..

Imagine what I could buy with richness reaped by smuggling drugs!!


Oh...ok, now I understand why PSF did it.

Moral of the story:
If you want to smuggle drugs, make sure the one supplying you is a professional. Don't get caught...^^