Friday, October 19, 2007

How to get an er(l)ection in Japan!!

>Li Yin
Of course I remember you!! How can anybody forget you? So, did you manage to get anybody jealous with that bookmark I gave you?? You know....the one with the cute little japanese girl on....anyway, great to hear from you again. Coming to Japan again soon?

No I'm not a clean freak.....I ate my share of dirt and junk throughout the year. It's just that my body have stronger immunity towards bacterias that gives you diarrhea....but it seems that even my body can't match up against the dirt Malaysians can produce...haha, hope the Gov don't sue me for this.

Yeah, I remembered the day I stared at my own stool for a full 5 minutes before working up the courage to reach in and grab some....yucks just thinking about it!

>Steve Lee
Umm....yeah, about the time we spent the night in Tokyo. That story never fails to amuse people.

Yeah....with that healthy body of yours, your body might have gone into shock from the diarrhea and could have died!! But then again, please don't hesitate to go next year...


Erm, in case you are wondering if this entry is a sexual one, no it's not. It's just that being in japan for so long, I started to mis up the "r" and "l". What I meant was election....or was it erection? Anyway, it's the process of selecting a candidate for a certain responsibility by voting. Just for the record, I DID NOT, on any circumstances, do that on purpose just to get your attention....hehe...

Political representatives are once again getting their yearly erection in my region. And GAWD DAMN I've never been so irritated....

You all know that er(l)ection works best when you are popular and people know who you are or heard of your name. In Malaysia, we have the system where candidates travel from place to place holding rally know, the one where they stand on a stage to give speech about a bunch of sweet nothings. Always promising something well beyond their own commitment. "I'll clean up the place...I'll build a better school...I'll not embezzle..."Hah..makes me think that it's a politician's duty and responsibility to lie. If they can't lie to us, then they are not a suitable candidate for the job.

ANYWAYS, in Japan, they don't have such things as a 'rally talk'. Nobody knows why they don't...they just don't....damn, I wished they do. You see, the way they do it in Japan, the candidate sit on a little ass around town, blaring their own name on a big speaker and waving and smiling to practically no one. Come on dude....what the hell are you trying to do? Trying to prove that Japan's technology on loud speaker is good? YES, I can hear you a mile away but I'm still not voting for you so...SHUT UP!! And stop waving please....

For a country that tries its very best to preserve the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood, it's quite surprising that this kind of "sound pollution" is actually allowed on the road. Secretly, I suspect that they are blackmailing us that if we don't vote for that particular candidate, he won't shut up. But the again....can't they just use the Malaysian way of setting up a stage somewhere and make empty promises? Come on mister....Lie to me! ...lie to me, then leave me alone for the day!

Sigh...they do irritate the hell out of me, but at least they manage to amuse me in a certain way.

Have you ever seen a tired smile? I don't mean the kind of smile that you do 'after a long hard day, you're tired but manage a smile at the end' kind of smile. I mean the one where you 'smiled non-stop for a whole day till you tire your face out' kind of's pretty hilarious when you manage to get a good look at it. I could have swore that that guy's face was shaking all over!! Just like when legs muscles shiver after a long hard run, his lips was like, trembling....his cheeks was convulsing here and if his face was begging.."Please!!!....please, no more smile...I....I can't take it anymore. ARGH...shit, he's making a turn here! Shit! he's gonna smile again.....NOOOOoooooo".

Haha.....must be tough going in to politics in Japan.