I am the traffic wreck and time is slowing down to look at me.
Time flies? Yeah, I'd prefer it walking away from me rather than flying around my head.
It's funny how you will always manage to feel sleepy at places where you not suppose to fall asleep...meetings, classes...for my case, at work. Times like these makes me wish that time machine exists...not to speed up time, but to go back in time to thank that brown person from Ethiopia who invented a drink of the same colour as him. Also, thank god for including caffeine in that drink.
Much wonder can come from a small cup of coffee.
I don't know why I can be this bored when just yesterday I had to stay an extra hour just to finish my day's assignment. Either I'm too efficient(doing too much in a short amount of time, thus having nothing to do later) or I'm just bad in balancing work.
Or maybe they are afraid that I might break another machine if I'm active...
Either case, I badly need a forecast just to let me know how much coffee I'll need to stay awake for that day...
Something like,
Forecast of the day: Cloudy with 75% chance of boredom. Put down the umbrella and grab 2 cans of coffee.
This, my friends, would be of much better help than reading lame, repeating horoscopes. I don't need to know if the love of my life is showing up today...my workplace is full of men anyway, so tell me if I'll have work and stay happy, or will I be bored sitting on my ass all day.
Sigh...actually, I did have a report to write yesterday that I planned to do today knowing that I had nothing else scheduled. But, just before I left, my chief, who had 1 hour left before finishing(he came an hour later than me to work) called me up to discuss plans for some future assignment. We talked, and he asked me to draft up a summary. I said "Ok, will get it for you first thing in the morning". He grunted an "OK" to me.
This morning, I arrived at work to find that report already done!!
Shit!! What the hell? Why did he do my work for me?!!!
Wait, oh right...he had one hour left yesterday. He was bored too.
Damn, he took away my work. Now, I'm bored earlier than I thought I would be.
Scary isn't it? Economy depression can really make people rushing for work to do.
Now, let me take a sip of coffee before I fall asleep and wake up with a keyboard on my face.
Sit for my exam for me?
Now...how to reduce my height and increase my...ehem...
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