Friday, May 01, 2009

The road not taken...

My lecturer bestowed some very good words of wisdom this morning...

"When a difficult and particularly tough road lies before you, it's probably the right one. Take it! Taking the easier road only means that you are making up another lame excuse to your life."

The professor actually meant attitude towards work....not anything else fancy and far away.

I have a bad habit of believing any scientific paper I read, you see. So, I don't check out the validity of theories and ideas stated in it as I assume that when people write those paper, they do it based on a solid theory.

But apparently, research means much more than that. He said to me, "Paper is not god". Wanted me to take the difficult road of checking out every damn thing written in that paper.

And so, I did what he said, gave a presentation to a representative of a company, and got great response. Said that I made a very good effort in my presentation and understood very well the things I've presented...

The difficult road IS the right one to take after all....

So, yeah.....I cannot but agree with this. Frankly speaking, I can't even think of any better wisdom on living your life.


Suba said...

yet another road to take...
yet many things remain unsaid....
how will i know
if the tough road ahead,
was not meant for me anyways..
coz once you walk down this road,
there's no turning back anyway?
oh dear...looks like someone needs to get out a lil'....

Crabbed!! said...

Well, I personally think that there's no such things as "meant to be"...if you think that treading on easier road is the one for you, then, that just means that you are lazy, according to my prof.

Anonymous said...

you can try going further down the road by checking those sources' source too. :p