And the journey continues....and unlike Malaysia where you get to look at boring palm trees along the highway, we got to look at endless dirt in Turkey. Even the Fat Basturk got tired of talking...we had to travel along roads like this for....hours...
But luckily...
Luckily we have fellow Lim Ming Rong who tirelessly "entertained" us with his stories. To think of his stories....the amount is just much that at one point, my ear actually hurt. But entertaining nonetheless...
And I meant the word "tirelessly" as he is still talking when I took this picture. Wow....I bet his tongue can lift a 10kg dumbbell..hahaha. Sorry dude, no offense.
Anyway, the view that night was very very special...the population there on the outskirts are spread about. So, the lights you see at night are not clustered, like cities and small towns.
Looking up at the skies where the stars are shining proudly, and then looking again at the lights from houses as if they are reflecting the skies....just breathtaking....
Our journey continues through a small town, hard to imagine how people live out here...there's shortage of water, electricity don't look like it can support air conditioning in every home, no internet, no do, why do people live out here??
Our next stop is.....Well built caves!! While cavemen elsewhere live in a hole cut into rocks, Cavemen in Turkey are well to do architects....they have higher standards. Look at their "caves". Who ever heard of caves with door and windows??
These are what I call Bungalow's got a nice view over a valley...ancient Cavemen movie stars and Cave Rock stars used to live here.
This is NOT a is a Ferrari of the Stone Age....
Anyway, see how big it is?? This Ferrari can spit out a stream of smelly goo as well!! Moments before we took this picture, a group of unfortunate Japanese got caught in the Ferrari's sneeze..
After a lot of picture taking....or should I say after taking a lot of picture involving Li Jia, we later got invited to a Cave House. The caves in Malaysia had paintings on the wall right?? Well, Turkey's caves have wallpaper!!
Anyway, once again the Fat Basturk starts talking about how great the People who lived here. How they manage to dig a big square hole out of hard rock...and how they ate "Olive" in there...bla...bla...bla...jeez....what's with this guy and Olive..
We got trap here listening to Fat Basturk's ranting...why is he keeping us here when there's much better view outside?? Ok, this is a nice place to visit as well but why for an hour?? We are here to see Turkey, not listen to him talk!!
And we had to listen to him talk on the way here!!!
Anyway, our ordeal ended and once again I was allowed the luxury to take photos of the picturesque view outside..
Being in modern civilization all the kinda awes me to know that such beauty like this exist. Incomplete....yet so beautiful...untouched by time and modernization....
You could say it's just a big piece of rock with holes in it and us tourist got tricked into thinking that this is some kind of beautiful .....thing....
one of the best view in Turkey
My best view was the Belly Dance...hehe
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