After enduring a few agonizingly boring hours at the gas chamber, it was quite a relieve to be able to face the Uzbekistan Airway's flight attendants again. Once seated, my brains instantly started thinking up possibilities of how to defy and win over the Witches of th.....wait a minute, my be my crazy imagination but...these stewardesses are thin!! And one of them actually spoke and smiled!!!
The in-flight service this time was very good....surprisingly disappointing. I was anticipating a horrible service but they manage to give me a decent service with a few smiles and the usual "Coffee or Tea", then gently settling them down on my tray. Because of their good service, I have nothing else to write here about them....craps....
Allow me to correct myself here. Ehem...Uzbekistan Airways isn't all rotten eggs and sour fruits.....they have pretty good service too. =)
Anyway, we reached Istanbul, Turkey a few hours later. Met up with our local tour guide, Mr. Atilla. He was quite a plump fellow....a good man though. At first, he was a pleasant presence...but he later turn out to be the most irritating piece of lard on the bus. Shall talk about him more in later chapters...
Yup, Atilla is the fat, balding nice looking old man...
The local tour company that we engaged in...
When we got to the bus, all of us walked on the left side of the bus in order to board the bus. Was quite confused at first as there was no door...took me a while to realize that they drive on the right side in Turkey.
In case you are wondering, only us Malaysians took photo of the bus...door-on-the-right bus failed to impress the Japanese.
I'll just cut the crap and show pictures here...
Turkey seems to have a lot of flats around. Well, exactly the term "pigeon hole"(Americans call them that)....just that no pigeons, but turkeys live in them.
Streets of Istanbul....
The city is surprisingly flat....buildings stretching across the horizon. Interesting thing that they don't go beyond 4,5 storeys high.
No, this is not a school nor a government building. They just have flags it the law? To me it's just plain narcissism...
Amidst new buildings, old ruins of the Roman times still remains...above is the walls of Constantinople and the Aqueducts.
We headed to a restaurant which was directly under the old walls....
1st meal in Turkey. Tomato soup and bread..
Next was some kind of grilled fish, chips and rice...
The thing about food culture in Turkey, they come in 3 courses. Starters is always soup, bread and salad. Then the main, which is rice with for areas near the sea, fish. Last will be dessert. Interesting that they eat both bread and rice....both must be their staple food. As expected of a country where "East meets West". Here I want to do a special mention of their rice...they don't cook plain white rice, it's always rice with some kind of spice or beans. Very fragrant and nice. Best rice I've ever had in my life...
After the meal was the beginning of our very very long ride on the bus.....about 6 hours...maybe more. Sigh....and that's when we found out what's Mr. Atilla's "special talent" is....tell you more soon.
No fair, you get to go to Turkey. I waaannnttt!!! Cant wait to hear bout your guide, juicy stories makes Kul happy. LoL
before this..
u rupdated ur blog once a week..
almost everyday..
make me dont know wat else to comment..
journey before reaching turkey already 3 chapter!!
I never knew you started a blog!! You should have told....was dying for some new material to read. About the'll LOVE the nickname I gave him.
But, won't be blogging for a week or so...I'm moving to a new place tomorrow!
Well, that's because I have a lot of crap to write about now. Last time, all I had was complains against Wye Marn...
3 chapters...that's after filtering out a lot of stuff. You see, my eyes sees what other people don't and my brains thinks stuff that other people won't...
food looks great, maybe i should have went :P
I realise one thing, the flight from Asia to some other Asian country for transit usually is a nightmare flight and the connecting flight to somewhere in Europe will be top notch.
Double standard or what?
Happy birthday!!!!!
oh write more on turkey i plead you! i've always wanted to go there but never got the chance to....u lucky lucky thing!
>cl3m were invited to this trip as well?? Wished you would have gone...then only would I have the chance to try molest your wife a little bit..
Can't say...haven't really travelled that much. But my trip back home have always been great..
>ai jun
I want to!! But right now I'm in the middle of moving into a new place...have lots of stuff to unpack, get internet connection..etc..
Dude, Happy Birthday man.
Hey Randy, Happy Birthday!!! Now, i've just added to my collection of friends who are "matured" *laughs*. Hope you have settled in your new place pretty well. Do keep us posted. Take care. Hugs~
>ng chong shen
Hey thanks man...v(^o^)
WOI!!....I was matured back when I was 17(had some really serious issues) just that not many of you got to see it....and I think I told one joke too many back then.
It's funny how people will instantly classify me as "sick" or "stressed" when I'm serious and not telling jokes....sigh, born to be ketam.
How come chong shen wish you happy birthday you say thank you, but I don't get the same treatment??? Favouritism!
>ai jun miss...(x_x)
doumo arigatou gozaimashita..
why bother to even praise him..:p
Ah well, Ai Jun. It's a guy thing. We connect. I wish him. He thanks me. No hard feelings arrr.... =P.
Sorry randy, I have to abuse your pretty site to do this......
Does anybody have Qing Zhuang's hp no or email? Is he still in the States or is he in Singapore now? I'm in Spore, so it's be great to be able to meet up with him and in order to do that, I'd have to be able to contact him....
Er, help???
Hehehe.....thanks for the advertisement space randy!!
>ai jun
Sorry la and chong shen's friendship go way, you hated me and did not speak to me until form 4 right? he he...
Isn't Zhuang still in the states, getting fat with junk food??
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