The girl in the pic is my girlfriend.....damn, wish I could lie better. This pic was taken from Danny Choo actually....
The term JK means Joshi Kousei (Japanese high school girls)....not Joking...or Joe King. The pic above is a typical Japanese high school girl in her uniform. And YES, their skirt is this short even when they go to school. Apparently, they get better marks from male teachers...Anyway, this post is not about beautiful legs under ridiculously short skirt. But read on...lols guaranteed.
Just this morning, while I was happily chewing on my piece of toast, one of the TV channel(forgot which one) showed the popular abbreviations used by JK was so gawd damn funny that I almost became the first human to die from choking on a piece of toast!!
I know that most of you only use the term JK or KY which means kuuki yomenai which translates directly to "tak boleh baca angin". Haha...we Malaysians have "makan angin" and Japanese "baca angin" figures, right? I mean, us Malaysians have always liked to eat and you can always see Japanese reading a book! But seriously, KY means can't understand the situation or being a wet blanket. KY seems to be the popular one at this time around but the ones on TV were the most creative thing I've ever seen in 2008.
Here's the list...
ATM = Ahona Tousan Mou iranai (Don't need my stupid father)
MM = Maji mukatsuku (Really irritating)
3M = Majide Mou Muri (Really can't do it anymore)
IT = Aisu(Ice) tabetai (Want to eat ice cream)
HD = Hima dakara Denwa suru (I called because I'm free)
MW = Mou Wakaranai (Don't know...)
There were a few more but I've forgotten them....sigh, should have wrote them down on my toast with strawberry jam....
Anyway, when I first saw them on TV, I thought it was just normal education stuff teaching English abbreviations....
ATM = atmosphere
IT = Information Technology
HD = hard disk
those kind of stuff, right? And that's when I saw MW....I thought it was some Abbrev. that I've never seen before, so I went to take a closer look. And that's when I saw the rest and that's also when I almost choke to death on my toast...'s so funny I'm still laughing now as I type.
Japanese are somehow creative in their own way..
it is not creative...
just plain lazy to type too long !!
you are right about them being lazy...those terms are used when text messaging each other. But still....hilarious, right?
yea but still none has reached the popularity of KY...
i make new one...
RKK= Randy kakkoii
syok or not? hehehe....
That's because KY can be insulting while the rest...the rest are just plain lazy. And humans like insulting other people better than anything else.
Of course, Syok!! That makes you the most creative of the lot...
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