Well, yes and no....I don't really know what you look like other than in picture you post on friendster. And if you say you put on that much make up for classes....damn, that's a lot of paint! Not sure bout everybody else but I prefer the al naturale kind of look. You look much much sweeter without make up. But hey...that's just me......hmm, no wonder that old man got attracted to you. haha...btw, all the best for your exams.
You saw my mom? Well, say hi for me the next time you do....and that sparkle you saw, that was probably because she spoke to me on phone the night before! Yeah, you got it wrong....my mom actually misses all those nonsense me and my bro made for her!
Heys....always nice to meet a new fella. I'll be posting those in November...
Actually, I sat in the front row. And it was kinda cool seeing it all close up front. Nausea? Well, that's because you got brain trauma from all those cool shit!! Even I got short term speech impairment from sitting in front.
It's SUMMER time!!!
Just in case you thought that "!!!" was "Yay! it's summer!!".....no it's not. It's more like "Aww...shit! it's summer already??...aw man!!"
So why do Randy hate summer when 200 million fellow Japs love it so much?
Here's why....
It is said that crickets burrow into the ground for 17 years and then 'gloriously' emerge into the world of the living...proud of it's adulthood. And guess what crickets do to celebrate being an adult? They tell each other stories of their underground life....who they met...what kind of soil they were in...how they once broke curfew and went out to take a peek at the world before it was time. That's all fine actually...but do they have to shout at each other? Yeah, I know that they have friends from different trees, but do they have to chirp out that loud? Damn...someone get them a handphone!! Noisy little buggers.....waiting all those years just to come out and annoy me.
To make living with cricket all that much worse is the heat. Last I saw on the news, it was 41 degree Celcius. 41 for goodness sake.....and to pair up with that is 60% humidity. Gawd DAMN it's hot....it's so hot that I'm naked most of the time. Talking bout "living la vida nuda" (Pardon me if my Spanish is wrong but you'd understand nude when you see nuda right?). Sounds catchy right? Well, that's one song that even Ricky Martin won't sing about. Anyway...it's sweltering hot.
But then again, summer's not all bad. Went to the beach the other day...was great playing with waves and building sand castle...ehem, had a kid to do that with me...can't do that alone now can I? Sad right? Can you imagine a 22 year old guy playing with sand? Anyway, also tried to get a nice summer tan but got sun burnt instead. Probably from staring at the girl in white bikinis for too long. My skin is really paying for it now...I'm shedding skin like that snake in Anaconda, cept' I'm not getting bigger as I do so.
Oh...about the title. haha....almost forget to type in something about that.
Ehem....latest on Jap TV, a show about girls who can eat like a pig. Excuse me there...didn't mean to demean them like that.
The real stuff is an entertainment show about women who can eat more than a pig. I mean.....HOLY SHIT, she can stomach all that shit? Shit....
There's this one show, a girl as slim as Jessica Alba ate a 2kg piece of steak plus mash 'tatoes and corn and rice. In another, a girl who ate 3kgs of spaghetti....another who ate omelette rice...well, nasi pattaya...on a plate as big as a basketball rim!! What? Don't believe me?....haha, yeah, I've exaggerated a little bit there...it wasn't that big a plate, it was a tray.
I've never really understood Jap entertainment Tv but this is real bullshit. I mean I've seen a fat guy eat, but these girls can really eat more than a really fat guy. Damn girl just won't put her fork down. I'm no sport science specialist but eating that much isn't good for you right? Her body won't have enough time to process all those junk.
Hah...don't think her excrement will be brown in colour!!
Sup dude...
Whoa.. Chicks who eat! That rocks. LOL. Too bad we don't have those kind of TV shows here. All we do its just surf down to youtube and catch their stupidness at there.
wonder what colour will it be then??=P
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