Sunday, June 03, 2007

24 days later...

You know that movie "28 days later" ?? The one about people turning into zombies? The one with people being eaten alive and all?? well, I like that movie…

Anyway, 24 days here means days since I last blogged…just couldn’t find the time. I was busy with an impossible assignment. WELL, not "Tom Cruise Impossible" but "George Clooney " kind of impossible. When I went to hand up my report, my lecturer was in a very very good mood and he decided to ask me all kinds of questions (regarding microcomputers and algorithm). Just because I did ONE experiment with him he thinks I know EVERYTHING about microcomputers!!! Aw, you should have seen me there sweating my ass off for one hour trying to answer his question. Imagine that, one hour date with your lecturer talking bout’ stuff that he got masters degree for. Sigh….guess all I can say was thanks to my years of crapping, I managed to pull through.

And directly after my ordeal (yes, I think the word ordeal would suit my experience pretty well) with my lecturer, it’s exams!!! Well, wasn’t so bad i guess….I think i did pretty well cept’ my last paper. Did not see it coming. The numbers and words just flew out of the paper and SPLAT!! Right in the face….

And guess what happened after that?

A. Went out for a movie and found out why Capt. Jack Sparrow have the surname Sparrow…I mean, that’s a bird right? why would anyone have take a bird for a name? Yeah , I know he’s a pirate but only allow him a parrot on the shoulder right? Or maybe because he hated birds, but since pirate captains are suppose to carry birds, he stuck it to his name.

B. Went out for billiard and do what guys love doing best, hitting them balls with a stiff stick. Ever wondered why we like hitting balls so much? Think of it, except rugby and ice hockey, every major sport involves hitting a small round ball that’ shaped like….well, a round ball.

C. Went to bed after one week long of staying up but only slept for an hour cause I dreamt of numbers. Guys have been known to dream of anything….and I mean "anything" but never …..NEVER anything about studies. Well, if our lecturer was young and attractive, we might dream a little about "studies" but not about numbers with the "lecturer" absent right?

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