Okay, gotta apologised again for blogging a late entry. Just came back from yet another trip. Too busy having fun...
Anyways, for this blog, it's about how us M'sians men 'sia sui' kan M'sia's name by accidently commiting 3 misdirected hostilites...may be a bit long but interesting-ness guaranteed.
Chapter 1:
Scene: Night when I reached the Backpackers inn
Time: 0030
Owner: I want to explain about the kitchen rules here, can someone come with me please?
P.I.Cs: Randy, you go la....with that mafia headgear, he might give you free food!
CRAPPED!!: Sigh....okay,okay...
At the Kitchen....
Owner: Here, you can cook anything you want but please clean up afterwards. Please don't leave it like this frying pan here, I wonder who used this. And about food, you can have anything here that's marked "
FREE" with black marker, like these peanut butter and margarine. Please don't mistaken with "
OWNER" or "
NAO (Owner's wife)" . That's ours.
CRAPPED!!: Okay, understood. I'll let them know....thank you and goodnight.
Owner: Goodnight, hope you get good rest.
Next morning at the kitchen...
P.I.C Jeremy: Morning Randy...
CRAPPED!!: Morning...breakfast??
P.I.C Jeremy: So, what can eat and what cannot eat??
CRAPPED!!: Uhh....from what I heard yesterday, he said the ones "
marked" means can eat....
P.I.C Jeremy: You sure?? Sure ah?? then i'm frying the eggs...okay right? it's marked "
CRAPPED!!: Yeah, why not...I think so...maybe....uhh...maybe....
P.I.C Jeremy: SURE OR NOT??
CRAPPED!!: Yeah yeah, sure....say, can fry one for me, thanx.
And so he opened a new packed of eggs, fried them. I saw an english guy sliced some bread .... I went on to slice some for myself and Jeremy. We later had breakfast at the common hall, adjoining to the kitchen. At that time, P.I.C Fook Hee was helping himself with an egg as well....happily frying it when Nao, owner's wife walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge reaching for the eggs....her new and shiny pack of eggs, carefully decorated with her name "NAO". Me and Jeremy, both noticing her, tensed up a bit when....
Nao: Eh?
(Looking around here and there...then counting very slowly...)Nao: 1..... 2... 3... 4... 5...6...
(Looked around again furiously, then counted again, this time using her finger.)Nao: 1..... 2... 3... 4... 5...6...
(She looked around again. This time noticing P.I.C Fook hee frying an egg...happily. Guess what fook hee did in response? He smiled.....smiled at her and said "good morning" in a cheerful voice.....)Sensing the situation, I immediately rushed to the kitchen and apologized to her. Damn it was scary...since she had that "garang" look, I apologized profusely, saying i made a mistake and promosing to replace them. She must be super mad cause' she didn't utter a single word....hell, she didn't even blink!! Sigh....know what?? turned out that the bread wasn't free as well. It belong to that english guy. Worse, I sliced the bread in front of him!!
Can't blame me right?? I-I was tired and sleepy that night before...and I was never a good listener at "taklimat" .
Chapter 2.
Scene: After a tiring day of snowboarding, P.I.C wanted to have a nice hot shower...
Time: Evening
P.I.C have been waiting to use the bathroom for almost an hour...couldn't be patient anymore, he asked around and one of the "ang mo kau" said that it might be his friend Jerry. Take note that he said "might"....So, Jeremy, being impatient went to the bathroom which is downstairs...
P.I.C Jeremy:
(Irritated voice) Excuse me, Jerry? Can you hurry up please??
From inside the bathroom: Okay...okay.....
P.I.C Jeremy waited for another few minutes....couldn't be any more patient than that,
P.I.C Jeremy: Excuse me! Oi! Hurry Up PLEASE!!
Then, Jeremy's prayers was answered by the sound of bathroom door unlocking....and guess who came out?? The Owner and his wife!! P.I.C Jeremy had apparently done a very good job at asking the two owners of the place to "hurry up" while they were having their own private (and intimate) time in the bathroom. Sigggghhh.....Jeremy, jeremy.....congratz la....
Chapter 3
Scene: At the driveway.
Time: Evening.
Remember the egg incident? Well, in case you don't.....OH MY GOD!! You should see a doctor or a psychitriast...get help!!! Ehem.....Anyway, i said i will replace the four eggs i stole from her. Not those "eggs" ya...just normal chicken eggs. So...
CRAPPED!!: Excuse me Mr. Owner, uhh...do you know where can i buy eggs??
(with a smile) Yea, you can get them from Jusco. I'll give you guys a lift there later okay?
CRAPPED!!: Sure, thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
And he drove us 4 fellas all the way to Jusco, which is about 10 minutes away...just to buy a pack of eggs. Don't make sense right? Wasting petrol on a freezing night just to buy a pack of eggs. Sigh....*malu*...*malu*....
I think from now on, M'sia will be blacklisted d....bet we'll be labeled as "Egg robber"....hahaha...funny, we come all the way to Japan only to curi telur ayam!!